But with what level of success? Yes, there are alcoholics, and schizophrenics, etc, who do not respond well to treatment, or refuse it entirely, but there is effective treatment available for these problems, as well as a whole host of other genetic psychological disorders. Pedophilia, however, is something that we have been trying to treat, for several years, both in private practice(admitted pedophiles, who have not acted upon their impulses, yet seek out treatment), and through rehabilitative treatments in the prison system, with very little success. Yes, there may be some success stories, but by and large, pedophiliacs(those who have been incarcerated, and put into rehabilitation), have the lowest rehabilitative success rates of all the criminal catagories.
Something else to consider, as far as “treating” pedophiles, the “same as we do someone who has a severe problem that can’t be helped”, as you stated above, that bring us back to the analogy in the OP is to compare it to something like homosexuality. Ok, so homosexuality, in itself, is not criminal(homosexual pedophilia is), but if the underlying cause of pedophilia is genetic, in the same manner as homosexuality, while criminal, is it something that can, or should be “treated”? People have tried to “treat” and heal homosexuals for years, unsuccessfully, who is to say that the same wouldn’t be true for a pedophile, or already is true, considering the low success rate of rehabilitation that is already occuring?
There are genetic diseases, and there are genetic traits, diseases can be treated, many times with at least some level of success, genetic traits, however, are not an illness, even if it causes one to commit a (socially mandated) crime.