What would be the best paintball gun that I could buy for around $150? Spyder? Piranha?
What would be the best paintball gun that I could buy for around $150? Spyder? Piranha?
There was a thread on this very subject a couple of months ago, located here. Please remember to search the archives before asking a question. Our archives are vast, and contain much knowledge, Grasshopper.
You’ve recently asked questions about skateboards, footbags, and paintball guns. Are you looking for a hobby, trying to igratiate yourself with the “cool” kids, or trying to learn how to be a 17 year-old boy from this message board?
Lance–hey, maybe he’s just a really cool granddad trying to get something for his g-kids.
What are you talking about?
I am THE cool kid! LOL
Just joking!!
Maybe he’s just smart and frugal. Is someone who doesn’t completely buy into consumerism and getting info only from ads offend you so much?
your best bet would probably be a spyder compact for just a litle more than $150. It would be about $200. I well rounded, sturdy, and reliable gun. Pick it up if yo can find it. Spyder Compact. look for it!
I’d say, get a Para-Ordnance. This is because I know nothing about paintball guns, I just think it’s pretty cool that a maker of paintball guns also makes the other kind of gun. In fact, I think P-O started out in the paintball business and then moved on to firearms. Plus, there is a fully automatic Para-Ordnance paintball gun that scores high on the macho scale and isn’t Federally regulated since it’s not an actual firearm. But really, I have no idea how much they cost.
Also note that there are some really cheap collimator “red dot” sights designed for rimfires, that work well on paintball projectors.
Gee, why did manhattan leave this here for two days?
Well, because this is exactly the kind of “survey” question better suited for our new forum, In My Humble Opinion. I’ll move it there now.