Palin: Hillary would NEVER be treated this way!

I’m reminded of the scene in the movie “Cinderella Man”, where James Braddock hammers the younger, rude, red-state (Georgia) favorite into a corner just as the round is ending, and sneeringly offers the ‘friendly’ ‘advice’: “Welcome to New York”.

Shame on you commies laughing at the kids’ names! It’s downright un-American to deride ‘Track’, Piper’ and ‘Trig’. Whaddaya think they are, liberals?!?

In what way? Hell, I STILL wince at the thought of Clinton’s leftover-from-1978 pantsuits. But there is one thing I can say: Hillary EARNED the right to dress like she shopped at the Good Will. Her clothing did not define her. She coulda come out in a housecoat and bunny slippers and STILL make mincemeat of Palin.

And I, for one, am disappointed she hasn’t. Screw Bill’s feelings! It’s not like he ever took YOURS into account. Knock this punk down the three or ten pegs she deserves. It’ll feel GREAT! :mad:

And curlers, with a smoke. That would be cool

Hey! What’s wrong with Karcher? My dad was born on East Karcher St. and lived there into his teens.
(I’ve no idea where the name came from and assumed it was the last name of some guy in Central Indiana in the late 19th century.)

** Annie** , I spent TOO LONG in Northfield Center, OH. Whatever you can drag out of its REALITY is as close as I can understand.

Tom, I can assume, unfairly, that your NAME means SQUAT in this race. Just sayin’, bud.

Yes, but that was before speaking in complete sentences was a prerequisite for presidency.

That annoys me, too. Everytime I hear her speak, I think “Somebody please buy her a period.” Or a comma, or a paragraph indentation…

You sexist! Are you implying she, as a woman in her 40s, might be hitting menopause and having irregular menstruation? I suppose next you’ll say that the mood swings will disqualify her. :wink:

   But, I think SQUAT PALIN has a nice ring to it, though TRUNCATE would be more fitting the lineage.