Pandora (TV series not app)

So I have stuck with watching the awful series Pandora out of morbid curiosity. I just finished episode 12 (out of 13) and it transcended beyond anything that came before it. All if the C-grade cast forgot their limited acting abilities and became pure hams (but still managed to be outhammed by the guest Big Bad of the episode.) The dialogue they had to deliver was terrible. The scenes were cut together like it was a clip show compiled from half a season. The CG battle scenes were an incomprehensible hash. It was so awful, you really should try to see it for yourself. Don’t worry–not having seen the previous 11 episodes will not make it more nonsensical.

Despite most of that being true, I loved it!!!

I just finished watching the last few episodes of Pandora over the last several days. It’s a really fun series.

The criticisms are right. There are magic powers that come out of nowhere and disappear again. Romances appear out of nowhere. None of it is explained. The battle scenes are just explosions that have no meaning. The fight scenes are often in strobe light to disguise how bad they are. The finale didn’t tie up all the loose ends, so you’re left hanging for some of it.

On the positive side, the themes are sweet, having to do with friendship, loyalty and honor. The people are glossily beautiful. The costumes were fun. Some of the scenery was breathtaking, although there were only a few shots of it. Some of the plot twists were unexpected.

Overall, it was an enjoyable watch. Well worth watching for me.

If you want to check it out, it’s on The CW for free. Pandora Pilot episode.

If you watch it, please report back on how you liked it.

FWIW, this is back.