Paranormal Activity (movie)

Ok this movie just opened in a handful of cities (nowhere near me), and it’s got the kind of hype that you see very rarely. Supposedly this Blair Witch-esque low budget film is one of the scariest movies ever, that’s what the buzz is anyway. Just check out the trending topic on Twitter to see how much people are fawning over this thing. I really want to believe it, but the downside to that kind of hype though is pretty evident in terms of inflated expectations.

Here’s the trailer that really tries to play up the “scariest thing ever” aspect, they probably should have just gone with a traditional trailer though.

Anyone going to see it? I sure would love to hear some feedback. Should I keep my fingers crossed for a speedy wide release?

I don’t know when I’ll get a chance, but I am totally stoked about this movie. I guess I’m a bit skeptical of the reviews it’s been getting, but I’m a sucker for scary movies. I’m really interested to hear from anyone’s who has seen it.

Any idea if/when it will be getting wider release?

You’re supposed to ‘demand’ to see it at your local multiplex. I’m not sure how. You could tell your local theatre manager, or write the big chain or something.

I think the ‘limited’ release is a marketing ploy.

People seem to be under the impression that it is going wider next month. Don’t know if it is true, but I haven’t seen this much interest in a limited release since Borat, so it sounds possible.

I’ve definitely noticed buzz. I won’t likely see it if it doesn’t get a wide release and my regular movie biddies aren’t into horror flicks so I’d need to find someone else to go with. But it might be interesting. If not in the theater I’ll definitely see it on DVD.

I like that kind of horror film so it looks like fun to me, but that “scariest thing ever” crap is just stupid.

I’m skeptical of it being scary at all, nevermind being the scariest thing ever. The trailer doesn’t look at all scary, unless you consider getting bruises and stubbed toes from stumbling into things frightening.

Also, was this movie delayed? I saw the trailer for it last year, around Thanksgiving (I forget what we went to see then), and they don’t usually promote anything but huge budget films that far in advance.

There is a link on the movie website where you can make this demand…

I had a free pass to see it last Friday but I couldn’t go. It was for a midnight show. I had been to a Kate Havnevik concert and could have gone directly to the theater, but I had to be at work at 9am the next day. I’m sorry I didn’t go for it anyway. I’m sure I’ll see it when it’s released.

Finally got a chance to see this movie. Incredibly creepy and well made, considering it had a budget of only $11,000. Go see it if you get the chance.

Just got back. I didn’t jump at all, but that’s not to say I wasn’t extremely tense the entire time. And you don’t truly appreciate how creepy it is until afterward, when you’re home alone in a large house as the sun sets outside…much like I am right now. Stop creaking house!

At any rate, the move kept me throughly engrossed the whole time. I loved the setup, cinematography (or lack thereof?) the acting–all great. However, there were a few things that didn’t quite seem realistic (besides the whole ghost thing) :wink:

[spoiler]For one, they rarely turned on the lights! There is no way in hell that wouldn’t be the first thing someone did (why oh why did they so often neglect the lamp by their bed).

Secondly, there is no way in hell the girlfriend, who was clearly terrified, would be the one sleeping closest to the door. Yes, it was necessary for a few scenes, but still unrealistic.

Third–they never once fled outside! They were often far too collected–were it me, I would be out that door in a bloody second.

Finally, the final scene was fantastic up until the very final moment, where she lurches at the camera. That was hokey and unnecessary–apparently this is not the original ending, and was filmed after it was picked up. Pretty evident, in retrospect, as it doesn’t mesh with the rest of the movie.

Minor quibbles aside, it was mostly consistent and did a great job of pulling me into the movie.

Agreed! I watched this on Friday, and while there were parts i watched through my fingers, I didn’t necessarily jump. It wasn’t until my friends and I were discussing the movie that it really creeped me out. I admit to having trouble sleeping by myself that night!

The part that got me the most was:

when she was dragged off the bed. That was horrible! And her standing next to her boyfriend on the side of the bed. CREEPY!

I’d say the realistic look of it is what really made it creepy and lack of special effects. Overall not as scary as advertised, but I enjoyed it.

We saw this yesterday, and while it wasn’t the scariest thing I’ve seen (I think the prize goes to The Descent), I was very impressed. I would have thought it was quite effective and creepy regardless, but knowing how low the budget was, I’m really thrilled with it. It also beat the everlovin’ pants off *The Blair Witch Project.
I thought they dealt well with two major possible stumbling blocks: the perennial question of haunted house movies - why don’t they just leave? And the issue of why they continued filming as long as they did.

And I agree, while it wasn’t making me shiver the whole time, two scenes made me grab my husband and make him hold my hand:When the Thing appears to be crawling up under the sheets, and of course as **WomanofScorn **says, when she gets dragged out of bed. I particularly liked that she didn’t really wake up until she was on the floor - it seemed very realistic. And man, that actress can scream like she’s being murdered slowly and painfully, can’t she? Very effective!I don’t think this will bother me too much after the fact, but I confess that last night I tucked the sheets around me snugly before going to sleep!

But that just makes it harder to escape! :stuck_out_tongue:

The KCRW “The Business” podcast this week talks to one of the producers. Excellent industry podcast, excellent interview, fascinating story.

Just saw it last night. There’s another thread going with spoilers, so for those who don’t want to go in there, let me just say that it was pretty good, and very creepy. Don’t drive cross-country to see it, but don’t miss it when it comes to your town, either.