Parents' advice sought: late walker, late talker

I’ve been trying some of these ideas offered above, and I’ve seen some progress today. When I pretend not to understand, he will now say “milk” or “coo” (seems to mean cookie, or snack, to him). When I got our coats out of the closet, he actually said, “Mamama dadada baby go.” Ok, a few extra syllables, but I know he understands, at least. Actual words! And I suspect that’s an early attempt at a sentence!

He was around a couple of older kids today, and responded to them in a great way. He wants to play with the big kids, it seems. So I’m looking into a playgroup, but we’re sans wheels, so it’s difficult to travel much. I’m trying to find one close to here (SW 'burb of Chicago). I’m thinking of one with kids about 2-4 years old, ideally, so he’ll have someone to emulate (and chase).

Just a wild idea, but since he tends to hold himself up to “walk” using his toys and various furniture, I tried moving his things a little further away from each other. Now he’s taking 3-4 steps on his own to get to the next hand-hold.

I plan to have a gentle talk with Grandma soon, to tell her even though she was SuperMom who can achieve wonders with 3 toddlers and a baby at the same time, I’m taking a less demanding approach with my one-and-only baby. I’ll be diplomatic, though: “And I would rather nobody pressures him too much, but thanks for your concern, Mom.”

BTW, I perused the links regarding developmental difficulties and disorders, and I am greatly relieved; GypsyBaby doesn’t seem to meet the criteria for any disorders or anything. Whew, what a load off my mind!

I want to thank you all for taking the time to offer your parenting expertise to a first-time mom. I’m getting better advice here than on all the parenting sites I frequent! :slight_smile:

Whee :slight_smile: Great idea on moving the furniture further apart (not that I am a parent or anything). Kiddie sounds cute :slight_smile:

How wonderful to hear, gypsygirl.

You do realize, though, this is just the first in a long line of worrying, right? His first day of school, the first time you can’t find him right away, his first homework assignment he doesn’t tell you about until the night before, his first phone call from a girl… :wink:

Relax, take lots of pictures, and enjoy. And let us know how the chat with Mom went. You could always nod wisely and say, “Yes, Mother,” and do what you were going to do anyway.

That is indeed a sentence, and a rather complex one at that. Congratulations! He’s making progress already. Good idea with the furniture, BTW.

Umm, **ivylass[b/]? Please don’t scare me anymore than necessary! One milestone at a time, please… School? Homework? Girls? GAAHHH!!!

stupid coding. my apologies.

Way to go. Smart idea about moving the furniture. I have to confess that when my son finally did walk, it was because my sister was visiting and she moved away from him and held her arms out and encouraged him. Boom! Off he went. We never even tried that. Just figured he’d go for it when he was ready.

It occurred to me that he might like children’s books that encourage participation. Head to Toe, maybe, by Eric Carle?

We have about 2 dozen books, but what is this “Head to Toe”? I read to him frequently, but I’m always looking for new and better books. Our current faves are a Pooh version of old fairytales, and the Tigger book that makes noises when my boy presses the buttons.