Parents Want To Name Kid "4Real": Is That 2 Weird?

I’m just wondering why they stopped at 4Real. 4Realz sounds so much worse, with just an extra letter

Wellington, New Zealand(2027) - Superman “4Real” Wheaton was found “not guilty” today for the murder of Pat Wheaton & Sheena Wheaton. The jury foreman, Spiderman “2Good” Smith, said in an interview that it was obviously a case of justifiable homicide.

Obviously they’re preparing him for a career in gangsta rap.

Sadly, no one told them what the mortality rate of under-30 gangsta rappers tend to be.

You’re 7 years too late.

There are at least 10 kids running around with the nameIuma.

2weird 2B B-leaved.

If you were to name your child Kal-El, you wouldn’t be the first one to do so, as the actor Nicholas Cage named his son Kal-el Coppola Cage.

It’s been tried.