PC: Recycle Bin Question

Due to some unfortunate mis-clicking on the destop, my recycle bin icon has somehow disappeared! I have no idea wad was clicked. Tried searching for it but cant find it, tried copying it from my laptop but only a shortcut is copied. And the shortcut cant be opened at that. How do i get back my bin?

What version of Windows are you using?

Try right-clicking your desktop and hitting Arrange Icons|By Name. This will move the Recycle Bin back if it’s been dragged off the edge of the screen.

Using WinXPpro. Im having my destop on auto arrange. Its jus not on the destop.

Now and then I accidental delete mine.

For W-XP.

Right click Start / Select Explore all users / Scroll down
on the left side to the Recycle Bin / Right click, select Open / Right click on Recycle Bin and select “Restore”.

Scrolled down…cant find recycle bin.

Open Windows Explorer. Select folders from the toolbar if you haven’t already. The Recycle bin should be on the left. Reduce the size of WE and drag the Recycle Bin icon to your desktop. Tada, and new shortcut.

hmm…did as advised…but recycle bin cannot be found in the windows explorer…its jus not there among the string of other thingys…:frowning:

Here’s some helpful links:



Re-start and try the above tips again.
I once had the “Find Files/Search” function disappear. A re-start fixed it.
You may have to resort to a go-back application to get the desktop back to the way it was before the problem.

What happens when you try to delete something??

Woppie!!! Problem solved! Thx zipperJJ!!! oh, previously, deleting and emptying of recycle bin still works. its jus i cant view its contents.

I don’t get it! You threw your trash can in the trash and deleted it?

Is this like a Klein bottle or something?

Well… several times I have right clicked on my Recycle Bin meaning to select Empty ** but I have accidentally hit Delete!**

Get it?

Some of us are not perfect. :smack:

I’m still astonished that Windows lets you do that without tossing up a special warning. You expect that from a Unix command line but from an end-user GUI you’d think you’d see WARNING You are about to delete your Recycle Bin icon from the Desktop. Are you entirely sure you want to do that? Have you checked your blood sugar lately? Cancel/Continue

(I could nuke mine by accident on MacOS X but that’s because mine isn’t really the Trash Can (which Apple moved to the Dock, and I took the Dock out back and killed it because I hate the Dock), it’s just an alias to the actual invisible .Trash resource.)