PDF File Conversion

I have a 67 page document in PDF format, with some graphics, and want to convert it into a MS Word document, or some other format that will allow use of the data in the PDF file to create an new document that incorporates some of the existing data. I have the full Acrobat program V4, but all I can find is EXPORT and it can only create PostScript or EPS formats. Word can’t read these.

I don’t care about the graphics.

Any ideas?

There are a few PDF to other format conversion tools on this page. It’s a fairly long list, but I think there’s at least a few rthat might work for you. These are all freeware, shareware and demos. Hope this helps!

I think version 5 allows a save as RTF format, which Word can read. I’ll find someone here in the offce with 5 and try it after lunch. I’ll also check out your link. Thanks!