Pedestrians should be fair game if they're crossing outside the crosswalk!

My wife was told by her elementary school teacher that if you were hit by a car and when you were outside the cross walk the ambulance wouldn’t take you to the hospital. She believed it for years.

That’s Los Angeles you’re thinking of.

I jaywalked Santa Monica Blvd in Hollywood, crossed mid-block with zero traffic either way… except the cop who snuck up and busted me. I spent a day in jail for that. Much safer and accepted to jaywalk in San Francisco. But never try to block a bus. Imprudent.

Motorists should be fair game when they leave a parking space.

Conversely, I think it should be legal to shoot drivers who violate the traffic laws.

They’re in control of a deadly weapon, so it’s obviously self-defense.

Today I start to cross a major street. I am in the crosswalk, and the school crossing guard waves me on. Suddenly a car turns and almost hits me. I stand there with my mouth open, and the crossing guard says “Did you see that?”

Later a taxi drops someone off at the bus stop by using the bus space, and a guy gets on the bus and goes one more zone than he paid for, and the driver has a good five minute talk with him.

How many people in the world think “Yeah, but the rules don’t apply to MMMMMMMMM-EEEEEEEEEE?”

Yep. When staying at a friend’s in Anaheim and a different friend’s home in an LA suburb there just weren’t any crosswalks on the small residential roads. I mean, I’m sure they exist sometimes but on the residential blocks I’m thinking of, there weren’t any on any of the roads, so you’d have to cross a road without a crosswalk in order to get to a road with a crosswalk. So on the main roads I used the crosswalks (and hated it due to the “cars can turn right on a red” thing - they barely slowed up even while I was on the crosswalk right in front of them) but on small roads I just crossed.

There’s no other way to do it - it’s physically impossible.

let’s take you out of your vehicle and coerce you into standing on your feet. you weigh 150-250lb+ … the vehicle lumbering at you weighs 3-4000lb+ … do the math. furthermore … that person behind the wheel is looking at his texts, or viewing his gps, or talking on the phone, or applying make-up … doing anything but driving responsibly.

pedestrians have right of way … this is as it should be. if there is a certain individual who’s gait/path irritates you … contact the police … that pedestrian may or mayn’t be given citation. another option you have is taking a different route. are you that person who drives over 20mph in school-zone … while the light is blinking?

if a person jaywalks … and you hit that person … you will be held liable.

now … let’s get you back on your feet … walking does a body good. or … take a city bus … and leave the driving to us.