This is the best animal stories in a while. The pelican ate a live pigeon and somebody got a photo of the bird in the pelican’s mouth looking out. This is a great short story. Anybody with a coments or other animal stories feel free to add to this thread.
When it’s Autumn you’ll see
My pelican and me
As we swallow a pigeon in the park, tra la la.
An amazing bird is the pelican,
His beak can hold more
than his belly can
They say in his beak
is food for a week
I don’t know how
how the hellhecan
Isn’t that like some kind of avian cannibalism or something? It certainly seems an odd thing for a pelican to do. Maybe he just wanted a change.
I do not know any pelicans personally, but at least one parrot enjoys KFC from time to time.
He also likes a bit of omelet in the the mornings.
The next thing you know the feral cat population will be under control. Once your willing to down a pigeon, what’s wrong with a cat or two. Considering how much the available fish has declined, this may be a survival mechanism finding an easier food sorce.
Despite all the shock and horror, this is actually not that unusual. I remember a few years ago a similar furore when a pelican scoffed down some ducklings in St James’ Park, and they’ve eaten moorhens in the past.
I also offer up this wonderful snippet from a House of Lords ‘debate’ in 1995. Amongst a generous helping of whimsy, it contains the gem:
Bear in mind that this is roughly the equivalent of a discussion in the Senate. So the matter has already received high-level attention
This has become a difficult year for me. I am still not over the news that squirrels eat baby turtles and birds, and now we have this. I suppose it makes sense, pelicans being predators and all, but it’s not in line with my archetype of pelican.
My Lords if it may please the house, I submit the following extract from Blessington County Council, Wicklow, Ireland:
There is now a video of the pelican/pigeon ingestion incident (warning: mildly gruesome, but only if you like pigeons).
Tom Lehrer perhaps said it best:
It’s not against any religion,
to want to dispose of a pigeon!
If only Pelicans crapped less than Pigeons I’d be in favor of it!
Holy crap. I thought that predators were supposed to be majestic and awe inspiring, not all goony and waddling.
No more than us eating, say a cow. Different species, you know.
Of course, I wouldn’t fool around with a live cow in my mouth for twenty minutes before swallowing it.
Hell, pelicans crap way more than pigeons…
They crap fish, for one thing.
I don’t think I can improve on this.
I’m not ashamed to say I was really, really hoping someone would find the video. Go Pelican, go!
Well the photo from the news story and the video seem to be from different events. Looking just at the photo, I thought this was all a sham but alas, I must tell Bert about this.
??? !!! :eek: :eek: :eek: