Pelosi and Schumer say they'll pass legislation to end the shutdown. How?

Just curious what is covered, since I see a Nine Federal Agencies are shuttered.

I used to work for a NASA contractor, so it depends on the contract structure. Ours was set up that we kept working through the government shutdowns while our civil service customers had to stay home. So much of NASA will still be working via contractors.

Also, while the folks that work will likely get back pay, the ones who are furloughed likely won’t get paid for their time off. They will have to burn sick leave or other paid leave if they want a paycheck.

Yeah, what is “Shutdown money”? Is he thinking the money not spent during the shutdown is savings to the government? Because a huge chunk of that will be paid back once the shutdown is over, and the costs to the economy of lost productivity and people without paychecks is an impact.

This is a good point, the 100-0 vote in the Senate was predicated on an assumption that Trump would sign it. It may be a different story if Congress has to confront and override Trump.

Blues Man, do you pay taxes? Because if so, you’ve been affected by previous government shutdowns. Shutdowns cost money, and that’s money that you, a taxpayer, ended up paying that you shouldn’t have to have paid.

Of course, there are many people who suffered a much greater impact, too.

The Democrats should propose a funding bill that authorizes $5 billion for the wall, but only as matching amounts for funding supplied by Mexico. Then it’s up to the Great Negotiator™ to get Mexico to pay their share.

Telling the truth is mean! Also, unfair!

Hasn’t Trump already claimed that Mexico has already paid for the wall through the additional money the USA will make by the new trade deal (the NAFTA replacement)?

The Senate passed a CR on 12/19. Did it go to the Resolute desk?

Did the America-hating Fuckstick veto it? If not, doesn’t it go into effect on 12/29 (ten days later)?

Somebody please explain why the understanding of the pocket veto that I achieved when I was twelve doesn’t apply in this instance.


The House didn’t vote on it. Apparently it was going to come up for a vote, but when T changed his mind, they decided to not bother.

The bill never went to Trump. There were differences between the Senate bill and the House bill, so it would have had to go to a “conference” committee to work out an identical bill, which then both houses would have to pass. It never got even that far.

Oh. I had thought that the Senate resolution was an identical version of one that the House had already voted on.

Theoretically could the House vote on the Senate bill already passed, or does the Senate vote expire on January 3rd? IIRC it passed the Senate unanimously (enough to override a veto, or do they revote?) Not there is enough to override in the house even after the Dems take control.

Just curious,

The House could vote on a new bill in the next congress that has a text identical to the previous Senate bill. But yes, all previously unpassed bills were part of the previous congress and have expired.

Isn’t the old Congress still in session? I thought they came back today after the Christmas break, and still have until January 2 to deal with pending bills?

No, they adjourned today.

Government shutdown looks set to drag on to 2019 after House and Senate adjourn until next week.

Oh, but don’t you see how that would work? As a blog commenter put it over at No More Mister Nice Blog:

But President Trump said this was all being done by the Democrats. So you must be mistaken in your belief that the Republicans hold any power in Congress.

Wow, they showed up for just a few hours yesterday before giving up and walking away?

  1. For now at least, they control House, Senate, and the White House. And they can’t get their act together and pass something??
  2. If they weren’t going to show up for but a few hours before heading back home, quite seriously, why did they bother at all?

They should really just figure out a way to usher in the new Congress now, rather than having to wait until next Thursday.

Uh, who was it that invited the press to what Pelosi and Schumer expected to be a private conference? Besides, Donny Two-scoops said in front of those same reporters that he would take responsibility for the shut down and be proud of it, not the two Dems.

How kind of you, but that’s not the meme he’s pushing right now.
Promises made
[del]Promises kept[/del]
If the 292,413 people on Kolfage’s GoFundMe page have such big hard-ons for the wall, they need to cough up more than an average of $60.74 each and leave the rest of us out of it. Let 'em give those big tax cuts Donny gave 'em; they’ll be reimbursed when Mexico coughs up the dough.

Oh, sure. Mexico won’t see that coming at all.

But all raillery aside: of course the Trumpkins can recite to each other “sure-fire plans” under which some combination of machinations results in “Mexico pays”…but they have to know that all this is far from what Trump promised.

Trump promised that he was the Biggest Bully on the Block, and if they became his toadies, they’d be swimming in champagne and caviar. (Or in beer and fried pork rinds, if they preferred.) The Biggest Bully on the Block would MAKE Mexico hand over cash, because he was so awesome! Mexico would have no choice!

In the event: not so awesome. Global laughing-stock, in fact.

On some level Trump’s fans must be having trouble with this, bluster though they may.

“We’ve gone from Mexico will pay for the wall to shutting down business with our third largest trading partner, $587 billion a year, if Americans don’t pay for the wall. Well done, guys.”