I think you’re thinking too much…
Reminds me of a joke I heard about three guys on a train together. They started some small talk an wound up talking about how tired they were, and it was because they were each up having sex all night.
“I had sex with my wife three times,” one guy said.
“Well, I had sex with MY wife five times,” the second guy said.
The third guy is silent, but when prodded, he finally said," I has sex with my wife once last night."
They looked at him and started to laugh. “So tell me, how tired can you be?” one of them said.
“Pretty tired - We started at midnight and stopped when I had to get on this train!”
The point is that we are too busy keeping score (You came three times? Ha! I win the orgasm cup! 3-0!) and not spending enough time just enjoying the experience…
Isn’t that what it’s all about, anyway? Well, okay, there’s that procreation thing… But you get my point! It’s all about pleasure - both giving it and receiving it…
As for the penis size thing, most of the women I have been with mentioned I was larger than average, and they liked that. But more often then not, they spokre more glowingly about my tongue, fingers and (best of all) my imagination and devotion to their every whim. Way cooler to hear than “well, your cock was big,” and far more genuine…
A big dick will only get you so far, boys…
Though I am reminded of one of the best sex jokes I ever heard. To wit, “Wouldn’t you love to track down the girl you first had sex with? That way you can do it again and show her how good you’ve got at it?”
Brian O’Neill
CMC International Records
ICQ 35294890
AIM Scrabble1
Yahoo Messenger Brian_ONeill