Penny Marshall dies at age 75

“Laverne and Shirley is filmed before a dead studio audience.”


I’m another one who remembered her as Myrna on The Odd Couple. What a shame. Complications from diabetes, same as Mary Tyler Moore.

RIP, Penny. :frowning:

Penny was a talented comedian with a gift for physical comedy. I’ve heard she and Cindy did a lot of their own stunts on the show.

Penny and Cindy were a wonderful comedy team that shined in ways you just don’t see anymore. I still occasionally watch repeats of Laverne & Shirley and the show has aged well.

RIP Penny

Am I imagining things or did Penny Marshall and Cindy Williams have a personal falling out?

It seems it was big news 20 years ago, but I might be misremembering and thinking of Joyce DeWitt and Suzanne Somers from Three’s Company, who I know were (are?) estranged from each other.

Penny Marshall was talented, and managed to get into directing films when few women were able to do it.

Laverne and Shirley gave me a lot of laughs. Thanks, Penny.

I was just wondering that myself. There was conflict between the two on the set, although I don’t have any memory of an actual falling out per se. But rather a legal dispute between Williams and the show, because she wanted to be paid for episodes she missed while pregnant. So Williams was completely absent from the final season. I haven’t seen any comments from her on Marshall’s death. Or is she maybe in ill health herself?

I just read that amazingly, the show had been nominated for only a single Emmy and that for Costume Design, and lost even that.

I just read where Cindy Williams made a statement that to paraphrase said, “I just lost a dear friend and a woman who I shared some of the best times of my life with.” so happily, if indeed there ever was bad blood between her and Penny it is now all water under the bridge, which makes me feel good, even though “Laverne & Shirley” was a little bit before my time.

I very likely could have been thinking about Joyce DeWitt and Suzanne Somers, who I know did not get along, although on reflection it seems like they too may have publically buried the hatchet, maybe when John Ritter died?

As I remember it, it was a professional feud, but not personal. Williams thought the producers were favoring Marshall in the scripts, because (after all) Penny Marshall was Garry Marshall’s sister. This led to a lot of petty bickering like counting lines in the script and arguing who gets to walk through the door first.

Marshall claimed they were both arguing with the writers about scripts, and not really with each other.