People or persons that ruined a style or look

Have you ever had something stare you in the face for 25 years and it just didn’t “click”?:

In 1996, Marge BOUVIER Simpson bought a pink Chanel suit (no pillbox hat) in, Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield. Never made the connection.

It seems to happen to Dopers a lot.

In what way? I demand specific evidence supporting your claim. Otherwise, you should withdraw this claim and commit to a ten-year silent retreat to contemplate your actions. And you have to dress only in onesies for those ten years.

If it wasn’t dead already, Sheldon Cooper killed the short-sleeved-tee-over-a-long-sleeved-tee look.

I didn’t realize bowling shirts were passé until Charlie Harper (Two and a Half Men) kept getting razzed for wearing them.

Also for a grown ass man looking like a toddler for constantly wearing shorts .

I consider the end to that trend a public service to men’s fashion.

Who are you referring to and what are you talking about that “men wearing shorts” is a “trend” that has ended? Men have been wearing shorts my entire life and men wear shorts when it’s warm every single day. There is nothing strange or “trendy” or noticeable about it at all. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: If I look outside my window right now almost every single man I see is wearing shorts.

Fuck that. :wink:

It’s over 90 today in New York. It’s Sunday. I don’t have to go to the office. I’m wearing shorts.

A scientific poll of everyone I can see:

“Grown ass men” wearing shorts = 23

Dorks in long pants = 1 sweaty dude, who also has a long sleeve dress shirt with the collar buttoned up tight. A real fashion plate.


Thanks to this thread, I’m going to change into my favorite Hawaiian shirt. Time to take back the look for the Tiki culture that started it!

Ha! I’m a grown ass man wearing shorts while… eating in a restaurant.

Yeah, I start sweating at around 75 degrees.

I’d thought I’d throw you some support QS because you seem to be getting kinda’ hammered here, but I agree with you.

At a pool or beach setting? On the back patio/back yard? Yeah, I have no problem being in shorts ( the athletic type ) or swim trunks. T-shirt or bare backed. I just can’t bring myself to wear shorts out in public…out and about. Feels somehow…I don’t know…undignified to me. I have no idea why, but you know what they say about personal tastes being subjective…

In any case, it is my fortune or misfortune that seemingly seven eighths of the sweat glands in my body are on my face and head, the balance on my torso. I really don’t get all that hot “downstairs”.

Time and place. That’s all I’m saying. :slight_smile:

I’ve come to accept that the SDMB is a very comfort driven, heat sensitive, cram-your-fashion-rules-I’ll-wear-what-I-like, sort of community. Bless their hearts. :wink:

A little bit of a tangent, but until the GIs filled the colleges in 1945-50, male students all wore suits and ties. By 1950, this had disappeared and has not returned.

It’s ruined. the “Tonga” or thong bikini but it used to be only worn by beach goddesses in their native exotic locales and maybe nude beaches at home. Now thong wearing is almost expected in beach wear.

I’ll have to throw in a “supposedly” here…

In the UK a major drop in the sale of jeans was blamed on Jeremy Clarkson* wearing them. Supposedly young people would no longer buy them because they were worn by middle aged men like Clarkson - it was even called The Clarkson Effect. Here’s a cite.

Levi’s has launched a $96m global campaign to reinvigorate its brand and combat what has been dubbed ‘the Jeremy Clarkson effect.’ The campaign will use print advertisements, real-life customer stories, and a global TV and cinema spots to position Levi’s as a brand at the centre of popular culture.

The sale of Levi’s jeans plummeted in 1997 when middle-aged men, such as Jeremy Clarkson and Tony Blair, made them seem “uncool”. With all self-respecting adolescents turning down the opportunity to dress like their prime minister, Levi’s sales dropped to an all time low. By 1999, Levis was barely breaking even on profits.


* - he of Top Gear and The Grand Tour, which I believe are fairly well known in the US

Sure, and the “time and place” are the US when it’s hot. I don’t know why you think this has anything to do with the SDMB. In the US, men wear shorts when it’s warm. It’s perfectly normal. You sound like someone bemoaning women for wearing pants.

I do, it is damn hot down here.

But I don’t accessorize with a AK47.

And in other countries too. Yes, even in the UK. If the temperature gets into the high 20sC (and it does from time to time), even I do. I’m not talking swim-shorts, but roughly knee-length in regular cotton. I might even wear sandals (and no socks, so there).

I agree. There is a time and a place for shorts, and it is not ALL times and ALL places.

I think it was Master Chef I was watching last week, and they introduced some big-shot celebrity judge, and he came out wearing shorts. Everybody else was wearing long pants. I was embarrassed for him.

Have we not gone off-topic here? Shorts are still a common part of menswear around the world (including in cold countries), and to the extent they’ve been “ruined” anywhere I can’t even think of a public or fictional character strongly associated with looking bad in shorts.

@ QuickSilver Who ruined shorts?