people who are adicted to four letter words

Go back and read your posts. When you say things such as “I’m at war against society”, that’s not “objecting to nasty language”.

Stop deluding yourself, darling.


If you were here right now, I’d hug you. I love quixotic people. Keep up the good fight, dear. Never lose hope. Keep blushing when a man drops an inadvertent cuss word. Tsk disapprovingly when a woman calls them “teats” or “boobs” instead of “breasts” or “bosom.” Keep calling 'em “toots” instead of “farts.” Never refer to the nether reqions with words other than “there” or “those.”

It’s a hard, long, um, make that difficult and lengthy swim upstream, but hang in there. Good luck.

Ain’t naivete cute?

You see? I can… eh… er…



Oh, blast, I hate it when I do that. :frowning:

I’m addicted to the word ‘wang’. Mainly because mine is godly.

Bow to my godly wang!


Oh, I almost forgot:



Would that be why you started this thread, Derleth? :smiley:

I don’t get it. What did I say wrong?

As I just told you, I don’t consider myself a snob at all. I 'm just like millions of other women who have standards above foul language. I have plenty of company.

Why are you guys picking on me?

Quit dividing this post or maybe I should say board into some majority and me. I’m just another person here.

Can’t you keep a stright face once in a while?

I thought my question was a good one.

Quit beating me over the head and using me for a dart board.

I’m just another person here. I can’t understand why there’s been such lack of understanding.

Usually, if you care about the truth you can find it. There’s more to a story or statement than appears. Why can’t we look beneath the surface.

And , please;…quit putting tags on me.

You guys having fun?

Call me Dee. I’m a cookie making mother.

We really need to come up with an International Standard unit of measurement for the purpose of quantifying “fun”. The candy makers have already tried with their “fun” size candy bars, but the diminutive stature of said bars lead me to believe that the fun involved in that case is an increased profit margin for the candy makers.

If getting boiled in shit while being forced to listen to Fran Drescher sing opera through Dolby Digital surround-sound speakers represented the extreme negative end of the fun scale, while total gibbering orgasmic ecstasy and delight represents the extreme positive end of the fun scale, I would say that the amount of fun I’m having reading this thread is definitely a few notches above the median.

Dee, darls, you whinge incessantly about Not Being Understood, but geez, you DO make it difficult sometimes.

Maybe you should get away from the cookie dough occasionally to get out into the big, wide world. You might find that it’s not all gloom and doom like you believe.
And you might find that it’s an OK place, and not really at war with you at all.

But then again, its very hard to see the world when your head is stuck up your arse!

Deeward - you do realize that not all the people teasing you are men, right? And furthermore, that not all women are on your side? You seem to think that the rest of us womenfolk will crawl out of the woodwork, cry “Fiddlesticks! Those men are using their 4-letter words again!”, and rush to your rescue.

Also, you do realize that there is not a giant cosmic fence with a sleazy side and a wholesome side, right? And swearing does not make you a bad person, right?

Sigh. Nevermind.

In your other thread, I posted this:

Strike out Englebert, put in swearing, and it’s still oddly true.

Now THAT conjures up a very interesting picture Meyer!! What a wonderful analogy.


:rolleyes: I’m going to wait for another Doper to come along and confirm this, but I’m reasonably sure your doing this to yourself.

I mean, you’re a cookie making mother, you’re at war with society, you apparently have ESP, you’re a certain somebody’s number 1 fan, etc, etc, etc. I don’t see anyone else putting these labels on you.

Aww, how nice. Thank you. A compliment in the pit, and a thank you in the pit, how odd. Well I suppose you and I are back on the wholesome side of the universe for now, Kambuckta.

Now, what do you say we toss the frisbee around a little? Just make sure it doesn’t go into the neighbours yard, I don’t feel like hoping that fence again today.

I’m wondering if Deeward makes cookies in the shapes of crosses big enough to plant in the front yard and nail herself to.

I am woman- Hear me say FUCK if I want to.

I don’t believe the argument that people use obcenities because they have no imagination. I have heard and said some pretty complex expletives in my life and many of them involed the word FUCK.

Oh yeah shit, cunt, piss, asshat, etc.

I love it when you talk dirty.