People who are chronically late should be lined up against a wall and...

Neobican, I bet if you had a morning appointment you deemed important you’d find a way to wake up.
Did you ever try putting your alarm clock across the room so you have to get out of bed to turn it off?

As Neobican’s “the wife”:

“I know that other people count on me to wake up, but I cannot help it.”

Yes you can. I’ve told you how. I’m your wife… don’t you know that gives me automatic certification in eternal rightness?

“I am not late when I am already awake, such as meeting people for dinner, movies, etc.”

Nevermind the fact that “already awake” is never the same time today as it was yesterday. Get a schedule, man!

“The bad part is, sometimes the wife makes it worse, she wakes up to the alarm first (of course) turns it off and gives me a bump and hopefully I will wake up before she conks out again.”

Move the alarm from my side of the bed to yours.

“I have gotten a little better (sleeping lighter) since I am a dad now,”

Eh? Sleeping lighter? On what planet?

“I feel bad enough myself about being late,”

Then apologize for it and start trying to correct it.

Have I completely convinced everyone here that I am the world’s naggingest, most illogical and uncaring wench of a wife yet?
May I note that he was awake and posting his message at 6 this morning, after being awake for about 10 hours after a 17.5 hour nap, and is currently sleeping again as I post my message? I’ll see him around suppertime, maybe. I’ve completely given up on expecting him to be coherent for dates and appointments. Maybe instead of saying “You need to be up by 8, the appointment is at 9” I should say “You need to be awake by Monday.” Or maybe I should just face the fact that I married a zombie.

Kindof forgets about the possibility of sleepwalking, doesn’t it? The only solution I have is to ask my husband to shove me out of bed in the morning. He literally shoves me onto the floor because it is the only way I will wake up sometimes. Otherwise I will slap at the alarm clock until it stops making noise, or sleepwalk across the room and do the same thing. If I buy one of those richter three babies so I hear it. Lately, this hasn’t been a problem, but it often was in the past.

Add in the “Space Cadet” factor (my mother’s nickname for me when she doesn’t call me “The Mean One”), and you’ve got a problem. When I have appointments during the day, I have to set alarms for myself so that I remember I have to go somewhere.

Then I can only hope I have the time written down right, and I don’t get stuck in traffic for hours, and I don’t get lost, and it’s the right day, and nothing else goes wrong.

But when I show up an hour early because nothing has gone wrong, I usually get teased for being a neurotic. AAARRRGGGHHH!!! What’s my other choice, being irresponsible?

possibly the world’s only naive cynic

Sorry, Chris, I was talking to Holly.

I knew something would come out, I expect it from others but the choice my wife made to argue on a public message board is beyond me.


Yes, and like new alarms, I get used to it real soon and sleep through.

Neobican & ChrisCTP

No, you have not told me how because YOU DON’T KNOW. Eternal rightness? Its not nice to lie on the SDMB honey.

I honestly don’t know why she makes this stuff up… I suppose she is attempting to try to show she has some kind of control over me, which she does not.

How about this for an idea snippy? You go sleep in another bed.

Another fictional statement. There is no possible way she could know this, only I do.

This is where you can kiss my ass!
I do not have to apologize for my sleeping anymore than you should apologize for breathing, so shut your pie hole.

I think you have.

In the future dear, why dont you try to direct your comments to me off the internet, I don’t get the same kind of thrill you do arguing in public. These people dont need to know, and probably dont care to know, but if you insist on it, I will respond. You have been warned honey.

Domestic Violence Alert!

To prevent a divorce and/or murder, I’m going to close this thread.

Lynn/SDStaff Lynn
For the Straight Dope