People who keep detailed logs: what do you do when DST hits?

If you do hospital charting, recording times of procedures, incidents, births, deaths, etc., how do you handle the time change? I’ve never seen charts from the day of the switch. Regular charts don’t include time zones - do you write/annotate it in, or does your institution not keep track?

I realized last night that, without some sort of policy for this, it’d be possible to read twins’ birth records and find Baby A (the first baby born) with a birth time of 0245 and Baby B (the second baby born) at 0205! Probably not important in the great scheme of things, but still…

What if you have a Code that starts at 0250 and lasts for 20 minutes…would the time of death be recorded as earlier than the Code started? I find that…unsettling.

What about other industries? Air traffic control, trucking, etc.

Your examples are really about the Fall changeover, not the Spring one we just had. And changeover happens at 0200 local, not 0300 local as you imply. At least that’s true if you’re a US resident; some other parts of the world do it differently.

This time of year you can have a baby born at 0155 local and 7 minutes later his/her twin born at 0302. Only in the Fall can you have the first born at 0155 local and its twin born seven minutes later at 0102 local.
To answer part of the question you asked …

Everything in aviation is done in UTC. Then converted to local if needed to display to the public.

In the airline biz we try to schedule to avoid arrivals and departures during the one hour overlap period in the Fall changeover from 0200 local to 0200 again. It’s not that hard to do. And there’s no ambiguity 6 months later in the Spring.

As long as you avoid that one hour overlap interval, it’s really no different than dealing with ordinary timezone differences between the two airports. You can leave Detroit any day of the year and get to Chicago before you left, at least measured in local time.

in spring you have alien abductions because people can’t account for an hour.

I was working the night shift on “fall back” day last fall. We were instructed to include DST in our time documentation for the first 1 am- 2 am period of the shift. And having to work a 13 hour shift instead of a 12 hour shift really sucks.

Of course you’re right. Thank you for answering what I meant to ask, not what I asked. :smack:

Thanks, pendgwen! So I suppose this morning, the charting just went from 0159 to 0300? I guess there are rarely meds scheduled from 0200-0259, but I hope the MARs are checked extra carefully just in case!

In the U.S. Navy, you handle changes in local time by essentially changing the military time zone. See here for a map.

GMT is Zulu (Z) Time Zone. EST is Romeo (R) Time Zone. EDT is the same as Quebec (Q) Time Zone, so that is how it’s written.

So in your log, assuming you are keeping local time (and making notations every five minutes in this hypothetical situation), you would write:

0155: Log Entry 1
0200R/0300Q: Log Entry 2
0305: Log Entry 3

You could also keep all your logs in Zulu time, which avoids the whole issue. Zulu time (GMT) never changes.

In the Army, since we were stationary and didn’t have to move time zones, we just put 0155 EST and then in six minutes, it was 0105 EDT. Then you’d just leave that tag off of the later entries.

We leave all of our data collection instrumentation on Standard Time, regardless of the season. It takes a little getting used to at first, but it’s a whole lot easier than trying to figure out what’s changed and what hasn’t twice a year.

I read an article on the 'Net somewhere where just that happened, two twins, born on “fall back” day, younger twin’s birth time recorded as earlier than the older twin’s one. Twins found it amusing, but no real repercussions.

Tell my TV provider, I was surprised to see the TV schedule last night go from 0100 to 0130 to 0200 to 0230 to 0400 …

Very confusing map with the dashed borders for nations and solid for time zones. (And why is there no zone “J”?

I also see that map perpetuates the myth that there is no standard time in Antarctica (look at the section symbol in eastern Antarctica, not at the “P” in Western Antarctica). I am led to believe that time is based on that of the country where flights that supply it take off from. (So, for example, Amundsen-Scott on the South Pole has New Zealand time since they are supplied from there.)

I’m sorry that you find it confusing. Take it up with the U.S. Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command (NMOC).

From the first link I posted:

If you were switching from EST to EDT, then six minutes after 0155 EST is 0301 EDT.

In all my automated processes that dump copious logging info, I do everything in GMT. Easier that way.