Performers whose offscreen persona ruins their work for you

Yup yup about Connery, Woody Allen, and any $cientologist.

Gwyneth Paltrow’s comments about the movie Shallow Hal made me incapable of liking her in any role.

Michael Jackson’s music is ruined for me–I can’t listen to it without thinking of his unbelievable weirdness.

Schwarzenegger has ruined himself for me. I used to be a fan, and now I think of him as a major sleazeball.

But oddly enough, I like Heston and Ted Nugent in spite of their political views.

That Barney fella is now unwatchable. Ever since I read about him wolfing down huge chunks of preschooler… <shudder>.

I will not watch anything with Jane Fonda. She went to a country we were at war with and sided with them. While I think the war was a bad decision, I do not think that her actions were correct. If you disagree with the US policy and are a US citizen, do it in the US. She actively campaigned against the US in a country we were at war with. That, in my mind, is what a traitor does.

On top of that, she got rich in ways that her “Philosophical stance” is against. She made money, married a rich guy yet Millionairs-Billionairs are evil people who exploit the poor people in the world. That is until she became rich.


I love Wagner’s music.
Love it! In big giant bold letters, not coded here.

OTOH, he was a gigantic jerk.

Always borrowed money, never repaid, and had the gall to say that those that lent him money were lucky to have lent it to him.
Really. He said that.
Additionally, he had a fling with his principal benefactor’s wife. He wrote “Tristan und Isolde” with her in mind.
Not by a long shot his only sexuall “indiscretion”.

??!! Why did women find him attractive? ??!!
He was a scumbag!

A certain Bordeuax (sp) wine merchant threatened to shoot him on sight.
Something about seeking the sexual favors of his wife.

Hatred of the jews?

That the nazis would enjoy his music means nothing to me. As stated above, he was dead, and had nothing to do with that.

You betcha.

Danny Kaye = jerk delux
David Janson = great (now dead -frown )
Hank Jr. = jerk of first order
Joan Jet = geezzz what a witch
Cheap Trick = almost no-functioning due toi drugs.
Reba = great
Stevie Warner = great
Willy Nelson= what a cool dude.
Raymond Burr = good worked ass off for GI’s in Korea in the early 60’s.
John Wayne = good because… Good neighbor as a matter of fact in NM.George Burn, Milto Berle, etc a lot of grweat people.
Ed Sullivan = jerk [arrogant AH)
Katie Jackson = would not go nude — good for her
Learnord Nimoy = Nice as can be in person and not an extriemest.

Billy Bob Thornton.

I like his work as an actor/director/writer [with “Slingblade” as an example]

I went to a “concert” of him. First of all: He can’t sing, but what is worse; He’s an absolute jerk on stage. Behaving like a spoiled child with tantrums.

Oh, and one more vote against Chalton Heston.

Kathie Lee Gifford - no explanations needed.

Tom Arnold - I dunno, he’s kinda sleazy to me in mind.

Drew Barrymore - don’t even get me started.

Mel Gibson - Anti British (stuff you Mel)

Bono & Sting - too preachy

Seventhing the scientology thing.

Russell Crowe
Russell Crowe
and Russell Crowe.

The man is sexy IMHO, I like his acting (again IMHO), but damned if the man isn’t a stupid jerky turd in real life. Pisses me off, that man.

Julia “College guys are walking diseases” Stiles.

“I meant that college guys are spreading diseases rampantly, which is quite possibly true, but I was just trying to be funny.” Sure. Given the demographic you’re trying to get to pay to see your movies, I’d say that was a bang-up job you did being funny.

Didn’t know about Bill Murray. Guess that’s one to add to my “not a nice person” list…

I think I’ll have to second that. IMHO, Michael Jackson has left “eccentric” way, waaay behind and is now in some uncharted realm of bizarre that kind of creeps me out. Whenever I hear him sing a song that tries to sound “sexy” I get the heebie-jeebies.

Rod Stewart - there’s one I forgot. I think he’s an ass, but my opinion hinges on one “incident” in my home town. For some reason, he went into THE punk bar. This was back in the 80s and we’re talking three foot, orange mohawks, and noses pireced with safety pins. He decided he’d give the patrons a treat – spontaneous performance. He lipsynched to one of his own tunes. He was such an ass that what resulted was a brawl (he was unharmed because he brought body guards).

Not that this incident was a vile offense of any kind, and he wasn’t intentionally trying to be a dink, but I think of him as a complete yo-yo!

I’m surprised no one has mentioned:
Sinead O’Connor. While I’m indifferent to her antics, she has made it on to many snuff lists, I’m sure.

Roman Polanski- who (I believe) is still unable to set foot on U.S. soil because he’d face statutory rape charges.

Seconds (or more): Roman Polanski, Russell “A-Hole” Crowe, Jane Fonda, Woody Allen, Michael Jackson


Jenna Elfman - She’s a $cientologist, which is bad, but she’s a STOOPID $cientologist to boot.

And the prize-winner: Jenna would not sign autographs for an auction to raise money for children with HIV. Her reasoning was:


Rivers Cuomo ruined Weezer for me. I’ve been a big fan for years, but never paid a lot of attention to press about the band, etc.

Recently GuitarWorld ran an article about him that had just WAY too many snarky comments from him about his fans, how he never talks to them because they’re obnoxious, etc. As much as I love their music, I just can’t make myself like them anymore.

Add me to the anti-Scientology group. I don’t want to get into trying to spell eighthing…eighththing…dang.

I try not to delve too deeply into the lives of the stars for this very reason. Otherwise, some perfectly good movies would be lost to me forever.

Nathan Lane, Martin Short, and Jim Carrey all suffer from what I would call “I’m always acting!” syndrome. They’re just insufferably pretentious and annoying in interviews (well, Jim Carrey’s not pretentious), and they can’t actually just be normal people. Every comment is tossed off with a flourish, and they’re always performing. Just grates on my nerves something awful.

:frowning: What did Danny Kaye do? I love Danny Kaye…

Several of the people mentioned above.

Milton. Great poet–awful, awful man. And as long as I’m on authors, Karen Blixen (aka Isak Dinesen). She was snotty as could be.

Janet Jackson

She threw a diva sized tantrum when Renee Zellweger was supposed to introduce her at some awards show and was pissed off because Renee wasn’t a “big enough star” to be introducing her. Ewww.

Jumping on the anti-Scientology bandwagon. Unwillingness to line the Co$'s pockets means that I still haven’t seen the South Park movie, drat it all.

I am also repulsed by fashion models who brag about and embrace their ignorance. Reading Tyra Banks going on about not caring about all of the places that she’s been fortunate enough to travel to just devastated me. How selfish and insipid can someone be?

Rosie O’Donnell’s unfettered hypocrisy destroyed her in my eyes, no matter the good she’s attempting to do for gay adoptive parents.

Any personality who refuses to give autographs to fans who approach them in a polite manner gets me – especially when they tell fans “I’ll sign something for you if you send a SASE to my foundation and include a $10 donation.” Yes, Jane Seymour, I’m glancing in your pathetic direction.

My eye is jaundiced toward R. Kelly now, too. I’ll be glad if the allegations are disproven, but I’m not holding my breath.

Valerie Harper made some nasty anti-Canadian comments during her failed bid for the SAG presidency, and really, her entire campaign was pretty muddy. Major points lost.

Ed Asner lost all cred in my eyes by calling my nana before the 2000 election (via an automated recording) and trying to scare her into voting Gore by insinuating that she’d likely die of starvation and untreated disease if Bush were elected. Fearmongering in the elderly is just cheap and nasty.

Danny Glover and Richard Gere made some truly stupid comments after 9/11 - but I’ll wait to see if they keep their “blame America first” stuff up before I come to final conclusion.

Lastly, Tipper Gore still holds a place of infamy in my heart for using her influence to waste the time of the U.S. senate in hearings about rock music, and remaining completely in favour of the movement which spurred the entire debacle. It’s called the First Amendment you ignorant woman. Look into it. Grr.

musicians here in britian

Mick Hucknell (simply red)
Gallagher Brother (oasis)
Jay Kay (jamiroquai)

all talented, like their music, but boy are they the biggest headed bunch of prats out. Listening to an interveiw is like sitting through someone screeching down a blackboard.