PERL: translate this nasty regex

We’re all scratching our heads on this one. We’re trying to figure out what this does:

~(?>.*?(?<!\w{3})(?ix) \s(\S)w(?:he|gf|\x{0159})(?-i:MuG)0V(\w\d))Sb4(?=[[:xdigit:]])\2\1

Straight from YAPE::Regex::Explain by my pal japhy:

(?-imsx:~(?>.*?(?<!w{3})(?ix) s(S)w(?:he|gf|?)(?-i:MuG)0V(wd))Sb4(?=[[:xdigit:]]))

matches as follows:
NODE                     EXPLANATION
(?-imsx:                 group, but do not capture (case-sensitive)
                         (with ^ and $ matching normally) (with . not
) (matching whitespace and #
  ~                   <<   '~'
  (?>                 <<   match (and do not backtrack afterwards):
    .*?               <<<<   any character except 
 (0 or more times
                      <<<<   (matching the least amount possible))
    (?<!              <<<<   look behind to see if there is not:
      w{3}            <<<<<<   'w' (3 times)
    )                 <<<<   end of look-behind
    (?ix)             <<<<   set flags for this block (case-
                      <<<<   insensitive) (disregarding whitespace
                      <<<<   and comments) (with ^ and $ matching
                      <<<<   normally) (with . not matching 
    s                 <<<<   's'
    (                 <<<<   group and capture to \1:
      S               <<<<<<   'S'
    )                 <<<<   end of \1
    w                 <<<<   'w'
    (?:               <<<<   group, but do not capture:
      he              <<<<<<   'he'
     |               <<<<<    OR
      gf              <<<<<<   'gf'
     |               <<<<<    OR
      ?               <<<<<<   '?'
                     <<<<<<   '
    )                 <<<<   end of grouping
    (?-i:             <<<<   group, but do not capture (disregarding
                      <<<<   whitespace and comments) (case-
                      <<<<   sensitive) (with ^ and $ matching
                      <<<<   normally) (with . not matching 
      MuG             <<<<<<   'MuG'
    )                 <<<<   end of grouping
    0V                <<<<   '0V'
    (                 <<<<   group and capture to \2:
      wd              <<<<<<   'wd'
    )                 <<<<   end of \2
  )                   <<   end of look-ahead
  Sb4                 <<   'Sb4'
  (?=                 <<   look ahead to see if there is:
    [[:xdigit:]]      <<<<   any character of: hexadecimal digits (a-
                      <<<<   f, A-F, 0-9)
  )                   <<   end of look-ahead
                      <<   '  '
)                        end of grouping