Perplexing Fridge Problem

My refrigerator (a Frigidaire) went out yesterday, and so did I. It apparently went out before I left as I noticed that the temps were not low enough. Therefore, I dialed colder temps. But when I returned in the afternoon, it was obvious that there was no power to the fridge. I noted that the bulb was not lit in the morning and was puzzled over that, especially since I put a new one in the other day as the other one apparently was not working although it looked good and the fridge is fairly new. I tried a new outlet (one that I knew was good) with no luck. So I called a repair guy who said he’d be out after 3. However, before he came, the fridge started working again, complete with a lit bulb. It continues to be working up to now. So my question is what could have caused the lack of power? When the other bulb did not work, it was probably a good bulb but the fridge was not getting any juice. When I put in a new bulb, the fridge was working and so did the bulb. Does anyone have a theory on this mystery? I live in a 30-year old townhouse condo. Repair work is being done on my siding and the contractors are using my outside outlet next to the kitchen. That outlet has its own breaker, but the outlets I have used for the fridge is not connected to that breaker. (My washroom outlets are.)

My first guesss would be the plug end of the power cord making an intermittent contact. I have this problem on a lot of the power tools I use and have to change plug ends every now and then. cleaning the carbon or burned area off is sometimes a temporary fix. Inspect your plug for any burn marks or sgns of arcing.

yeah the plug, cord or connections at either end could be intermittent.

the plug (clean the metal and bend the prongs slightly outward, if needed replace) and the receptacle (replace) are the weakest points and should be tended to first.

Thanks. Probably the plug end of the cord. I will check it.

If you are having repair work done i think the chances of something that happened as a result of the work being done is very high.
A 30 year old home probably has no Nail Plates (protector plates) where your wiring is run and a nail from the siding could easily short out a circuit.
The first time i ran into a nail plate was when i was installing a door stop inside a classroom in my Church. I had no clue and i drilled a pilot hole through the plate and installed the stop. The nail plate was protecting a water line and i guess i got extremely lucky to not hit that poly water line! :eek:

Refers are generally have no breaker or a dedicated breaker - to keep something else tripping a breaker and shutting off the refer is the process.

Either the workers hit a line or maybe tapped the line to the refer (knowing it had only the refer on it) for their tools and tripped the breaker and got it reset after you noticed it.