Pet/euthanasia...long and melancholy.

I went through this with my dog Muffin, she was accidentaly poisoned with antifreeze which usually causes irreversible renal failure. The vet did everything possible to save her but in the end, there was just one option for me to take. I couldn’t bear to see her in such pain. Time goes by and I think of her often, she was a great dog and I loved her very much.

We now have two dogs and three cats, with one exception they are all a bunch of old geezers. If they were people Poushinka would be 105, Sam - 77, Malachi - 119, Paloma - 77 and Hamish who is a spry 35.

In a few years from now, I don’t believe that all of them will still be with us. They are all pretty spry but we all only have so much time whether we are men or beasts. When that time comes I hope that their departure from this world to the next is peaceful and without pain or suffering. I would wish for the same for myself.

dwyr - D seems to have lived a long and enjoyable life and you have honoured your Aunt’s memory by keeping a promise to take care of him. There would be no dishonour if you decide to end the suffering of your friend when that time comes.

I understand your pain and how difficult this can be.


I have an older cat (14) who I love dearly. He’s one of those humungous (21 pounds…and not fat!) black and white boy cats just bursting with personality. I’m starting to see the signs of aging in him, and it scares me. He has arthritis in his hip on one side, and limps when he gets up…on a bad day, he hobbles around on three legs. Otherwise, the vet says he’s doing great.

But he IS fourteen…

I hope, when the time comes, that I will be as strong as you guys are to make the right decision and end his suffering. Hopefully, that is years away, but you never know. God, I’ll miss him.

The keyboard is getting too blurry to type now…I think I’ll go cuddle up with my kitty for a while. Enough crying for one morning.

I had a talk with my vet and did a whole lot of thinking. My cat, his proper name being Drax, was not hurting much I believe, but he definitely didn’t feel well. He slept with me at night and he couldn’t seem to find a comfortable position easily. I know he hated all the medicines I had to give him.

So this afternoon my vet put him to sleep.

It was amazingly quick, and very, very gentle. I held him the whole time. It was the right thing to do. I know this.

I brought him to his home and showed him to my other two cats so they would know. I put him in a quiet corner of the yard. I’m going to put a little pine tree there to mark the spot.
Goodnight, sweetie.

that was a tough but correct decision, dwyr. good idea with letting the other furry friend sniff drax, it helps sometimes.

i’m sorry for your loss.

I’m so sorry, sweetie.

I lost my mom, my two oldest cats and my brother in one year, starting in May one year and ending the next May. Life just plain stinks sometimes. I held them all as they passed, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

You did the right thing, honey. When you love someone, and they live in your heart, you don’t want them to live sadly. And when it is time for them to go, you don’t want them to go alone. You want them to be WITH you as they pass to another place.

I don’t claim to know much, but I hope and have faith that your baby is up in heaven with my mom and my babies and my brother…I promise that they will have a lap for your darling.

I’m sending you my love and prayers and best wishes and huggles. I am so SO sorry.


Those of us who love our animals all know what you’re going through.

It’s the terrible price we pay, this process. Loving an animal is like falling in love with someone who has a terminal disease… you know you’re going to have to say goodbye someday. We try to put it off and put it off… but it’s inevitable.

The good that arose for me after my two died within 5 months was this: Now I appreciate every moment with Maggie (The Golden Retriever I rescued after Sophie died) When it seems like I might be starting to take her for granted I remember and I wake up. If she lives another 15 years when she dies it will still be too soon and I don’t want to have a single regret.

My deepest sympathies

I’m so sorry, dwyr. I’m glad you came to a decision at a time that was right for you.

I’m never sure about a heaven for humans, but I believe in one for animals. Maybe that’s so inconsistent as to be deranged, but I believe it.

This thread sure chokes me up, every time I read it.

You have my condolences on your loss. You did the right thing. Your cat was very lucky to have such a loving human.

My condolences on the loss of your kitty, dwyr.

My precious baby also has CRF. She was diagnosed last February and has been doing great with SubQ fluid treatment. So far, besides looking rather scrawny, she doesn’t show any signs of suffering from her illness. Unless you know she’s sick, you’d never know she was sick - she still jumps around like a kitten, plays with her toys, etc. Sometimes she walks around wailing like she’s in pain (which breaks my heart), but most of the time she’s just fine (besides drinking a lot of water and peeing a lot).

But I know it’s a degenerative disease and eventually I’ll be in the same position that you were in and I’m absolutely terrified to make that choice. She’s been my best friend and companion for 17 1/2 years now. I certainly don’t want her to suffer, but how can I stick a needle in her to end her life now that she’s come to trust me so much with poking her to help extend her life and make her feel better?

I know it’s silly and irrational. I just feel like she’s come to expect a certain outcome from having a needle stuck in her and it feels deceptive to me for there to be any other result from that action. And I know I’m probably making no sense whatsoever. Damn. I just hate this. I think I need to go hug my kitty now. :frowning:

I really appreciate your consideration in avoiding stepping on my penis - Spiny Norman
Jeg elsker dig, Thomas
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dwyr, my sympathy on your loss of D. It’s such a hard decision, but you did the best thing to prevent his suffering.

My cat is still in a downward condition, although he still has some of his previous zestiness. Thank you for starting this thread, as it has helped me to think about his situation more clearly.

Shayna, thanks much for your link. My cat, Mojo, has been with me since the day he was born 16 years ago, and I’m terrified too about making the decision that he’s sufering too much. Best wishes and thoughts to you with Mew. In sympathy, I can say that when I hold and pet Mojo in his twilight time, he nuzzles up in my arms and appreciates it.

Love sometimes surfaces in rough pangs, but it’s the same deep love that can embrace, appreciate, and be present for another’s letting go of this life, whether or not they’re of the likes of you.