Peter Pan found his Tinkerbell!

Plus he won a Webbie award.

On the one hand - fuh-REAK!

On the other hand - hooray for freaks!



Aw…it’s so cute when freaks find love…


Hey-if that’s the worst thing the guy does in life, then he’s a pretty good guy.
(but that haircut HAS to go!)

ok, for just a second (really, don’t do it for any longer than that) think about their sex life.

Great googley moogley. I can’t make my my eye stop twitching, I thought about it for too long . . .

If you follow the links to his fashion page, he’s having a copy of the Blue Boy outfit made for him.

BTW, on Tink’s fashion page, she looks more like Poison Ivy!

Aww, that’s so cute! [sub]Good lord, did I just say that? I must be in a REALLY good mood today for some reason.[/sub] Ah, hell, the guy’s harmless, so I’m happy that he finally found a girlfriend. It’s tough bein’ Peter Pan.

Ok the Peter Pan thing is a little weird but the Little Lord Fauntleroy is just plain wrong, wrong wrong. Now I’ve got that damn song stuck in my head too. Black Velvet and that little boy smile Shudder

I am glad he found his Jenny-Tink. I guess there really is someone for everybody.

Can’t wait for the movie. That is, the documentary about him those guys are making. I feel in touch with all things contemporary thanks to these Boards.


Awwwww, Spreee, I thought you found a new boi!

You know what? I think that is just fabulous! That guy must have felt very alone, but no longer. I remember reading about him a few months ago and being very intrigued and sad at the same time. He and his girl look really happy. God bless 'em!

I think he’s great. I’m glad he found someone who can appreciate him.

I think we could all learn alot about individuality from his example.

Go Peter Pan Go!

I think it’s great. I wish them lots of happiness.