Phelps of Westboro Baptist dies. Would you join a protest at his funeral?

The Phelpsites are subject to criticism from a Literalist and Inerrant Biblical viewpoint.
I note NONE of the women in their compound who are of child bearing age are confined to menstrual huts during their periods.

Fred invariably lets WOMEN (!!!) speak on religious matters to men.

AND, those women wear MAKEUP!!! And clothing of diverse fibres!!!
(there are many other failings of their ungodly personality cult, if I get time, I’ll try and find a more fleshed out list)
These radical liberal departures from God’s holy Bible indicate the Phelpses are no more saved than the lowly Methodists, the slacking Presbyterians, and the cafeteria Catholics.

I would have no objection, and would donate $ to any group willing to set up informational picketing at any Phelps funeral to outline these grave lapses in carrying out God’s sacred instructions.

I would also suggest that during the protest at the Phelps funeral(s) that there be a moment of silence so that all may listen intently for the clanging and clattering of the Gates of Hell opening to receive their sinful backsliding and disobedient souls.

The main reason I wouldn’t go is because it’s too far away, and they aren’t worth the effort. Remember, I live in northern Arkansas, so it’s not that far, either.

However, I picked other because I might show up at a funeral if it was actually around here. I would act like I was going to protest, but then I would “defect” to show mercy after it’s clear they are upset. The idea is that, while they deserve this, I’m not going to be the one to do it. That’s the message they actually needed to learn.

Fellowship, joy and nomnomnom triumphs over evil. Like this idea.

If I object to the behavior of the Westboro Baptists (and I do), I see no reason why I would want to carry out precisely the same behavior that I find so objectionable.

Also, since the existence of God apparently is a myth, I have no idea whether God hates bigots or not.

Lastly, I’m pretty sure I’ll never be in Topeka on business.:stuck_out_tongue:

I abhor these people and would not sink to their level. I might, however, invite MeanOldLady over for celebratory cocktails!:slight_smile:

I couldn’t be bothered. I might have a beer or two to celebrate, but I have a beer every other day or so anyway, so it would just be a happy coincidence.

If I were in Topeka and had the free time, I would join a group of people protesting a Phelp’s funeral simply because it would give me some cheap satisfaction of giving his family a taste of what they have inflected on others. I wouldn’t spend a lot of money or time traveling to protest however. I am hoping when Phelps himself dies someone will score a few bucks by making T-shirts or wind-up toys featuring Fred with a big grin on this face being anally sodomized by the Devil.

Oh yeah, I would totally drink to his death. I also drink to a lot of things, though. How about I’d drink the good booze to his death? clink

Edit: @norine

I wouldn’t protest because I’m better than he is.

When I open the bottle of wine I have chilling to go with dinner, I shall drink to your good health. I shall also drink a toast to Phelps with one of the best ‘bad wishes’ I’ve ever read: “May you live a long life in poor health”. (Roland of Gilead, Dark Towers VII)

Clarifying “I’d be willing to attend but I wouldn’t participate” - It would have to be convenient, i.e. I’d have to already be in Topeka and have easy access to the protest. Otherwise I’d try to find it on TV.

Nah, why bother? Why make more trouble for the people who have to deal with that shit – the funeral directors, police, the locals who just want to get on with their day, etc. It’s not like you’d be protesting something legit – I can’t think of ANYBODY who actually supports this jackass. (I mean, c’mon, whose funeral HASN’T he protested – gays, service men, politicians – MISTER ROGERS? Seriously.)

Hell no. Let the sad bastard die alone. A protest would just feed into that family’s attention whoring and accomplish absolutely nothing. We need to pay less attention to them, not more.

I would take a deep breath of air that seemed just a bit fresher, smile at a world grown just the tiniest bit less dark, and go do something wholesome with my day…which doesn’t include picketing a funeral.

First, I detest those tactics when the Cult of Litigation uses them; why would I use them myself?

Second, and more coldly practical, giving the surviving members an obvious outside “enemy” might encourage them to stick together longer. The sooner they fall apart and fade into a minute blotch of something loathsome on the history of the human race, the happier I’ll be. Consequently, I’m not inclined to do anything that might encourage them to linger.

nods in violent agreement. I’ll bring the garlic bread. Batshit crazy isn’t worth protesting, but a good spaghetti dinner is alway good to enjoy.

For the poll…I said no. I’ll stand up and protect the families from the WBC, I won’t lower myself to their level.

I might hold a moment of apathy at funeral time, then have a beer in a nice bar up the street.

I might dress in a festive outfit and record a video of myself singing that and slap it on my blog, but that’s about it for me, too.

What Balance said. Let the cult die with its founder. Any big to-do at the funeral just pushes that day when we don’t have to think about them back by one.

Hell with waiting for a funeral, I think they should be facing protestors on a daily basis at the house, church, doublewide, whatever…

I’ll bet his family will just be WAITING for someone to come and protest. They’ll probably count on it.
Hell, at this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if they protested at his funeral themselves!