Phelps of Westboro Baptist dies. Would you join a protest at his funeral?

Your definition of trio is different than mine.


No… that’s *just *what they’ll be *expecting *us to do.

I think if I’m already stuck in a hellhole like Topeka I may as well sample some of the local flavor. I’d probably be one of the gawkers but I wouldn’t carry a sign or anything.

I’m sure his gravestone will have a sign and a camera next to it that says “No dancing, no urinating”.

Eh, why bother? I mean, I COULD go protest his funeral, or I could go on living my life.

I think it would be more hurtful if nobody showed up at all.

I’m betting WBC protests his funeral.

Ironically, Phelps has probably done more to advance gay rights than even the most ardent gay rights activists.

To answer the OP: No. I wouldn’t protest. Trying to quell hatred by adding more hated is like pouring gasoline on a fire hoping to extinguish it.

I voted “As long as I had time, I’d protest at either.” While I fully support the DNFTT aspect of not picketing a Phelps funeral, I’m only half an hour away so it’s not like I’d really have to make special arrangements to go, and I’d be interested in checking out what would be sure to be a spectacle. If it was more than a couple hours’ drive then I’d say “Hell no, not worth it.”

What would be really cool, though, is if they were buried in the cemetery in Stull KS.

Hell, yes, I’d participate. Would Phelps’ open casket be in pissing distance, too?

More people imitating Phelps’ behavior would be exactly what he would have wanted. And that group needs less publicity, not more.

Since there’s nobody in the church but Fred’s family, disintegration is always an imminent possibility… but from the little I’ve seen of the family, it looks as if Fred’s daughters are running the show more than their aging, increasingly out-to-lunch Dad. Hence, Fred’s death won’t change anything.

And the family is smarter, better educated and more sophisitcated than is widely assumed. Yes, they’re evil, they’re contemptible, they’re scum… but people who assume they’re brainless, toothless hayseeds are way off the mark.

No, it isn’t. I provided three Wikipedia links, the words “trio,” “Wikipedia,” and “links.” This was followed by a single NPR article.

Nope. Not worth doing anything to give the group publicity, or validate their approach.

I voted no. Mr. Phelps band of psychotics have protested every gay pride event I’ve ever attended, I’ve had enough of their hatred directed my way for one lifetime, so have zero desire to be in the same state with any of them.

I would not attend a protest. There’s nothing about his demise that would protest. I would, however, attend a *celebration *of his death.

I wouldn’t show up to any protest. I might however sow the ground above his grave with salt so nothing would grow there.


You don’t think the presence of his corpse would be enough by himself? Kind of like when the Witch-King and his flying mount died in LotR?

Sorry, I’m re-stringing my fly swatter that day. The Phelps antics don’t merit any more attention in death than they do in life.

Topeka has to have something more interesting to do than attend a stranger’s funeral.

I would hope.


Exactly. Hypocrisy pisses me off more than a lot of other faults and if I were to condemn these jack-offs for protesting at funerals because I think it’s a reprehensible act, I would be no better than them (and extremely hypocritical besides) if I were to turn around and protest their funeral.

Yeah, I’d show up with a “SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS” poster written in huge, bold, block-letter font.

But secretly, fuck 'em.