I’m currently in the market for a new scanner and I would like to solicit doper opinions on those capable of scanning photos, slides and negatives. I know there are scanners specifically dedicated to these tasks but I’d like to avoid spending money on specialized equipment.
Therefore, I would like to focus on mid-level consumer flatbed scanners that are capble of these tasks. I know Canon makes a few that have been well-reviewed but I was hoping to get a wider range of opinions.
The problem I’m having with flatbeds for film work is that 1) They don’t have any sort of autofocus capability, so you’re at the mercy of the slide/film carrier to hold the media at exactly the right height above the glass; 2) they generally don’t incoporate any of the dust removal or exposure enhancing software (ICE4 or GEM) that is almost essential in you plan on scanning anything more than the occasional image (although it seems as if some recent flatbeds are coming out with a “light duty” software suite that allows for some dust removal and image restoration; you could do the same thing manually in Photoshop, but it takes forever) and 3) they are slooow.
I have an Epson ?1280? flatbed that does a reasonable job, but I’m getting ready to purchase a dedicated film scanner due to the issues above plus the ability of a film scanner to do batch jobs on slide film (it’s painfully slow to scan slides 4 at a time). If you are only going to use the scanner to upload the occasional photo to your computer, get a flatbed (my epson has worked well) for its additional uses. If you’re planning on digitizing your entire collection or trying to do more than a roll or two per month - get a dedicated film scanner.
Based on reviews I’m looking at the Nikon Coolscan 5000. If I didn’t require the batch capability the Coolscan V would be an excellent choice as well.
I’ve never been happy with the results flatbeds get for film scanning. In my opinion, they’re absolutely worthless except for the most inexacting of applications.
You’d be better off getting an old Polaroid Sprint Scan 35 (look on Ebay. They go for well under $100 these days.) It’s 2700 dpi, and works like a charm. If you want to step it up, you can get a Nikon LS2000, but judging by your needs a Sprintscan will be enough and far superior to flatbed results.
Thanks for the replies and the link to the old thread.
My usage wouldn’t be too heavy (probably a couple hundred slides and several dozen colour negatives) so I’m not too worried about speed or scratch repair software. I’m perfectly willing to photoshop the resultant image files.
My desire for a flatbed was based on the fact that I want to scan documents as well as film. I figured an all-in-one solution would be the way to go as I don’t necessarily require professional level quality and have limited funds.
That said, I didn’t know that decent used slide scanners had become so cheap. I’m a little bit leary of ebay, though (a couple of bad experiences), but I’m willing to consider alternative sources if anybody has any other suggestions. I’m still leaning towards a flatbed but I’m willing to consider a slide scanner if I can find a good one in my price range (less than $300).
Well, as far as I know, those cheap 2700 dpi scanners that I mentioned in the other thread haven’t been sold for years, so ebay or any other second hand source is the way you’ll have to go if you want a decent sub-$300 scanner. I mean, for $70, I think it’s worth the risk, but it’s your decision. I’ve had my puppy for a couple years now off eBay, and it works like a charm. In fact, I buy all my photo equimpent off that site, and I’ve yet to have a bad experience. Quite the contrary, the equipment has often come in better condition than described.
Like I said, for $70, it’s a “risk” well worth taking.
pulykamell, I have to say that you’ve almost convinced me. The one thing that concerns me is that all of the current auctions I’ve looked at state that the scanner comes without the plastic slide holder required for 35mm negatives.
Do you know the specific part required and is it still available from Polaroid? If I can easily get the missing holder from another source I’m going to go for it.
BTW, I just went to your website and loved your photos, especially the flowers!
I’m sure you can get replacements from Polaroid, because I think they still use a similar size. I’m not absolutely positive, though, so contact Polaroid first. Otherwise, the Sprintscans pop up often enough on eBay. You also need to have a SCSI card and download the updated drivers. (Like I said in the other thread, I had to buy and install a SCSI card in my PC to get the Sprintscan connected.) If you already have a working SCSI card, then you’re fine.
Thanks for the compliments. That website hasn’t been updated for years, and I’m almost done with the new site. Hopefully, it’ll be done soon.