Phred Phelps & The Heathens Of Comic-Con. Newslink

How can it be that they have a right to protest something but than someone else cannot protest their protest??

Lawyers. They has them. (Or more precisely, they is them. That’s how they can sue so much because they don’t have to pay lawyer’s fees, whereas people defending themselves do.)

Glad to see were getting down to the nitty gritty arguments now -

Team FredWard or Team Jacob :slight_smile:

And here they are.

I suppose that’s one way to beat trolls like the Phelps; be a bigger spectacle than they are.

I expected most of those but I lost it at the Bender photo. “Kill All Humans” just fits in so well with the “You’re All Going to Hell” signs.

God Hates Jedi

I trust I need not elucidate which of these I like Best.

I like Bender’s, and the Hypno-Toad sign (of course), and Buddy Christ, but for some reason, the Spy’s sign and the magnets sign were the ones that really cracked me up.

I knew I should have gone. I think I would have made a sign about the Borg and “You will be assimilated” or some reference to the Daleks.

Probably too confusing for anyone not familiar with comics, but I can’t help but think that some sort of “Bizarro hate fags” sign would be awesome.