Piano Tuning....?

As I’ve discussed in other threads, my wife and I are moving to Western Pennsylvania at some point this summer.

We hope to take with us my grandparents piano. We’re pretty sure we can move it, but once we get it set up, it will need to be tuned. Hell, it needs to be tuned now.

So does anyone know how much it costs to tune a piano? My wife tried looking it up online, and had no luck.

“Tuning fees vary by area, but at seventy five to one hundred dollars per tuning”


Don’t forget, there’s a reason for the existence of professional piano movers. Not only are they heavy, but if you push it wrong you might snap off the legs.

It’s not just the legs; the internal workings, including those little mallets and dampers and the sound board itself need to be protected from motion and suddden temperature changes. (It must be early; I can’t help asking how much it costs to tuna fisn).

If you’re Iran, tuning your fission has a very high political cost. :smiley:

I would suggest that after you have the piano moved by pros that you call operknockty to tune your piano.
Warning, he will only do this job one time.

(ducks and runs)

My wife’s uncle was a charming old guy who tuned pianos after he retired. It’s a fascinating thing to watch. He’d replace little felt parts that had worn out, and the occasional string. After tuning he would always play some complicated pieces before departing, to make sure everything was right.

After you move a piano, you can often expect to have it tuned again within a fairly short period of time, as I’m sure your tuner will tell you. He’s not just fishing for business. Moving a piano puts a good deal of stress on it beyond that which it will experience during the course of a year sitting in a house. So after it’s tuned, it may go through a period of adjustment in the new digs and then need a second tuning. Not unusual. Be sure to play the hell out of it when you get it to the new place and when it’s tuned again, it should be in grand shape, no pun intended.

Hee Haw! Gordie Tapp to be precises. :stuck_out_tongue: