
My Mam, Dad and Sis are currrently in Paris on a short break.

They were pickpocketed on a bus, my father had €600 in his wallet, and his credit and debit crads were taken too.

I dunno why he carried so much cash around a city where he is so obviously a tourist…serves him right I suppose?

Murphy’s law, I guess. I was mugged in Spain once, shortly after changing money (this was back in the old days when people actually used traveler’s checks). I had the equivalent of US $350 in my purse – the most cash I have ever carried, or expect to carry, in my life.

Damned if I know why it always happens that way, but it does.

It hardly serves him right. That really sucks. I carry my wallet in my front pocket which makes it difficult to pickpocket me. Also, I am keenly aware of my sorroundings in any crowded area.


I was pickpocketed in Times Square once when I first moved here - back before Times Square became Disneyland.

It happened while I was watching the guys play 3-card monte.

Damn! I knew where the red card was, too!

Someone stole my purse at a “religious place” – in the U. S. :mad:

Too bad about the Paris & Spain incidents.

On the train from Schipol to Centraal Station, Amsterdam…a couple were traveling with IMO too much luggage, when a man asked if he could help them, he helped himself to the woman’s wallet.

Again in Amsterdam, Mr. eenerms had a travel vest with the zippers and velcro, a swarming band of non-Dutch, tried to pickpocket him, didn’t happen! Too many zippers. (This was years ago before these travel vests were rarely seen on travelers.)