Pig Latin words

How many words in Pig Latin have become authentic words in their own right? I can think of amscray, ixnay and ofay. Are there others?


Wouldn’t that be “Fo?”


Pig Latin for “foe”. But the traditional spelling is “ofay”.

…though Merriam-Webster says “origin unknown”, I know someone, somewhere explained the etymology with Pig Latin.

“Addendum” according to the Collins English Dictionary, is 18th century, from Latin, literally “a thing to be added”, being the neuter gerundive of “addere” (to add).

Admittedly, it’s a very long time since Latin class, but it sounds convincing, even if all I can compare it to is Q.E.D. being “quod erat demonstrandum”.

BTW “pig Latin” is too damn difficult for me, as it seems to require fast thinking. Am I the only sad eejit like that?

The American Heritage Dictionary has this to say