Pinball FX2 anyone?

I’ve always liked pinball but have never been any good at it so I didn’t play it alot in arcades. Video pinball has gotten better over the years but not quiet perfect. Pinball FX2 though is as close to perfect video pinball as I think there could ever be. The physics are pitch perfect and everything reacts the way you expect it to. The tables are all a blast and the newly released Marvel Superheroes tables are each incredibly fun with alot of targets and tons to do and see. 4 full up tables for $10 is a steal.

Anyone else playing these games?

Marvel Tables
Piball FX2

Pinball FX2 is pretty good, and the Marvel tables are definitely the best of the bunch. However, the best video pinball around is definitely the Williams Collection.

**I read an article that said it was a FREE game. **

So I downloaded it. :frowning:

It’s real close to false advertising, what they have done here.

I would rather have had one of the tables given free… and then have the next tables incremented.

Why 4 timed tables, why not one GOOD table completely free?

I’ve aways been a fan of the Visual Pinball emulators. They’ve got some cracking recreations of many of the tables I’ve played in the arcades.