Does someone know who invented the “pink unicorn” concept(I’m refering to the counter-example given in so many debates about atheism, for the readers who wouldn’t know what I’m refering to), or where it appeared first?
You mean the invisible pink unicorn? Well, I don’t know details, but some questions may be answered bythis site. According to that site, the initial revelations occured in the alt.altheism usenet forum.
Really? And here I’ve thought that She made Her debut, so to speak, right here on the Dope. Live and learn.
I think it is time I confessed: I am the Invisble Pink Unicorn.
You may all start bestowing me with gifts of spam and cheese now.
I don’t know about that, Spoofe - the Spam worshipers might not like it.
Thank you for the answer and the link (Tim), I’m beginning to read the site, it seems to be really fun.