Pitting Urbanredneck for making shit up and claiming it's facts

A moderator just came down hard on urbanredneck2 for that bullshit thread about school days, and even gave him a warning (and changed the thread title to show that the premise was false).

I go back and forth on whether UR2 is trolling or just an idiot. I think he’s an idiot with terrible news sources, but he could be trolling, I suppose.

Definitely trolling. He brings up the same bullshit topics on a regular basis and ignores all evidence to the contrary, then brings them up yet again as if nothing had happened. He’s been desperately threadshitting lately as well. He may also be an idiot, but he clearly knows perfectly well what he’s doing.

Yeah, but I have family members I know ain’t trolling who do the same thing in person, so…

I suppose his reference to the bullshit Walk Away “movement” is pretty indicative.

I’d like to think that if my news sources were constantly shown to be lying, I’d find better ones.

I still want to know where he saw this article linked. Someone has dug this article up, as a particularly pathetic bit of opposition research (psst, the election’s over!), and I’d love to know who.

So yet another SDMB hive mine then ?Just look at every third word in this site it proofs what I said!
What do you think?

Channeling the stupid hurts my brain.

You need to find a way to misuse you’re/your and their/they’re/there to really nail it.

One of these days he’s going to find a news source that blows this entire liberal cabal conspiracy wide open.

This is no time to give up. He’s so close. Victory is at hand!

I know I’ve mentioned this before, but Urbanredneck first came to my attention as something special when he made a relatively factual post some years ago, about being in a Walmart around Christmas time and encountering a Muslim couple in the checkout line. I have no reason to doubt that this was factual, as Muslim couples do exist in the US, and I imagine they must go shopping from time to time. But what struck me was his comment (paraphrasing loosely, because I don’t remember the exact words and it’s not worth the bother of searching) which was basically, “how long do we have to put up with this shit?”. This was apparently triggered by the sight of this Muslim couple, with the woman in a traditional hijab. It apparently completely ruined his day.

Oh, you TEASE! You can’t tell us about such aggressive ignorance and not provide a link!

Eta: @crowmanyclouds, who I sometimes disagree with but is nonetheless a true gentleman and scholar, has kindly provided the link. Kudos!

OMG. Thanks for the link.

Thank you, @crowmanyclouds! :slight_smile:

Let’s just toss this one on the growing pile of his greatest hits.

Way back in 1980, all the cognoscenti of the fourth grade at McDowell Grade School in Hudson, Ohio - Reagan Republicans to a man - knew that if Jimmy Carter won a second term, we’d have to go to school on Saturday, and those who got in trouble there would be sent to labor on his peanut farm.

That’s exactly what @urbanredneck2’s post sounds like.

Which raises the question whether @urbanredneck2 has the critical thinking skills of a fourth-grader.

Jeff Foxworthy could probably find the answer for you.

Though even asking the question is itself an answer.

It’s maddening, he never once gets it right. It must be deliberate.

Yeah, if there was any evidence of trolling, that would be it for me. Or, he might say, “your right, if their was evidence…”

Your correct. He would have to over-write autocorrect to be wrong every single time. As Gertrude Stein would say, they’re is no their, thare.

Sorry, ewe misspelled “wood”, “halve”, “too”, “two”, “bee”, “thyme”, “know”. Hear it is corrected:

“Your correct. He wood halve too over-write autocorrect two bee wrong every single thyme. As Gertrude Stein wood say, they’re is know their, thare.”

Also, English is fucked up.