Planes, Trains, and Autoeroticism

So, during my flight to Florida today I had a transfer in Detroit. I ventured into the airport bathroom and while scanning for an empty stall I actually saw some guy jerking off. There was about a half inch gap between the door and the wall, and fer Christ’s sake, did I really need to see this guy strokin’ the salami in an airport bathroom?

I mean, can there be any worse place? At least I would, ya’ know, wait till I got to the hotel room.

Ummmm, gotta go now. Bye.

Better the airport restroom than a plane lavatory… and better the lav than under a blanket in the seat next to mine.

I apologize for the [no pun intended] hijack, but this leads me to something I’ve wondered about. Given men’s tendency to have nocturnal emissions, I’m surprised so many men are as willing as they are to sleep on planes and trains. Maybe they’re not sleeping heavily enough or long enough (or getting the REM phases necessary) to have wet dreams, but why even risk it?

(And yes, I know women can and do have sex dreams too, accompanied by some extra, uh, lubrication, but it’s not the same. Although it’d be very embarrassing to learn one has been moaning or talking in one’s sleep, or touching one’s self, etc.)

So, Dopers, have you ever witnessed a male train commuter or jet passenger with a hard-on, or witnessed (or heard) a female passenger apparently having a sex dream?

I was talking to a hostee about this once. She reckons that her and the girls sometimes have a bit of a giggle about obvious sleep hard-ons.

As far as wet dreams go, are they really that common in grown men? I’ve never had one, even as a horny teenager.

This is why when scanning for an empty I always look for feet or a shadow, never ever between in the crack between stalls.

Even if not having ‘wet’ dreams, most men get erections in their sleep.

Neither have I. Of course I’ve been either masturbating or have sex on near daily basis ever since I was first able to ejaculate at 13 :wink: . AFAIK wet dreams are much less likely if you have “relief” on a regular basis while awake.

True, but depending on what he’s wearing you’d pretty much need to be looking directly at a guy’s crotch to tell.

I believe that’s true. I’ve had only one nocturnal emission in my life,a nd it was right around age 12. I haven’t had an INvoluntary emission since.

To the OP: So, how long did you look?

I was at a bar with some friends last night, one of them just got back from a fast trip to Oregon. He checks into the motel, and ran out without going to his room.

When he comes back to the motel, he went to the room puts the key in the door, and walks in on a guy in bed, naked, watching tv and jerking off.


Desk clerk made a mistake and gave him a key and a room that was already rented.

I mean, jeez if you’re going to do that, use that little deadbolt on the door would ya?

What do you suggest they do to avoid them? Stay awake all night?

I recall being worried about this one of the first times I flew. I’d just read about such “wet dreams”, and was afriad I might have one on the flight (and in my best suit, too!). But it’s never happened to me anywhere except in bed. Nothin’ to worry about. And even if it did, people aren’t likely to notice. Just go to the restroom and change your underwear and clean up.

Er, do you Americans usually carry round a spare pair of kecks with you?

What are “kecks”? If they’re underwear, then I definitely do when travelling. (Don’t you?) Besides, you can always ditch the ones you were wearing and go “commando”.

I haven’t had a wet dream since I was 13. I and my male coworkers sleep in the break room or even in the lobby during our breaks all the time and nobody’s had a problem.

No but if he needs to get past me to the aisle, I sure hope he’ll turn so it’s only his ass in my face.

Everytime I go on a plane I carry a spare pair or two of underwear (I presume that’s what kecks are) on my carryon. All I need is for them to lose my luggage. I also carry a toothbrush, my contact lens stuff, my eyeglasses, and anything else I may need in the first 24 hours after I get to my destination and before I can go shopping, say.

  • Nocturnal emissions - I believe I would have been maybe 14 last time that happened.

  • How long did I look? I didn’t time it… I peeked through the opening, noticed in full view what was transpiring, and moved on.

  • Spare underwear in carry-on? Never. I travel light. Carry-on is reserved for laptop and irreplaceable documents.

Echoing what others said: i’ve never had a wet dream in my life. Not even teenagers usually get them if they masturbate regularly, as far as I can tell.

I have had some minor embarrassment about sleeping hard-ons in public places, but never so that anyone would have noticed. Nor have I ever witnessed anyone jerking it in a public bathroom, but then I don’t tend to look into other people’s bathroom stalls.

Hey, Matt! I wasn’t looking per se! I just happened to notice. Big difference!