Please explain DeSantis and Disneyland to me

Please do not reply to continued hijack {What Exit?}

I think that calling someone a “fascist” is such a strong statement that you need better reasons for doing so than simply not having another word to think of.

Hid reply to continued hijack {What Exit?}

The reasons have been explained repeatedly. You may not agree that DeSantis’ statements and actions rise to the level of actual fascism but to assert that no rationale has been presented to justify literal use of the term is disingenuous.


Modnote: Absolutely enough of this. I’m not sure if you’re trying to hijack this thread. But your first complaint did for a while and now you’re back with the same complaint. Start a new thread if you want to continue. But you are not going to bring it up in this one again.

I’m instructing everyone to drop the Fascist sidebar.

Topic will reopen in 22 minutes.

This topic was automatically opened after 22 minutes.

The main benefit is in cutting through red tape when it comes to financing infrastructure and services.

Still needs to comply with state and federal regulations, it just doesn’t need to go through a bunch of council meetings and get approval of the taxpayers.

My business is in one. We collect taxes from the businesses and employees in the area, and use it to improve the infrastructure.

The council is made up of business owners in the area. It helps to ensure that the roads and infrastructure are able to support our businesses, and not leave it up to the local government.

Now, if Disney wants to repair a road, instead of just choosing to pay for it, they will have to get approval from a DeSantis appointed board, even though it would still be Disney that is paying for it.

If the state were to take over our district, then that would mean that we wouldn’t have power over where our tax dollars are spent. They could raid our fund that we have for maintaining roads, and absorb it into the state budget.

I wonder if any of the Reedy Creek money will end up being funnelled into state coffers.

If anyone is interested in a list of these entities, go here:

As one would expect, The Villages is a participant in the SDAP. Each village, actually, is it’s own participant. Reedy Creek is on this list as well, 1,925 entities in total.

About Reedy Creek:

New article, but referring to an agreement that does an end-run around the board and gives the power back to Disney. It was signed back in February… but went unnoticed by DeSantis and his board until now.

This was an interesting “things I learned” for today:

The newly created Central Florida Tourism Oversight District says the binding agreement passed last month by the previous board hands Disney total power over development of the area.

The declaration is valid until “21 years after the death of the last survivor of the descendants of King Charles III, king of England”, according to the document.

Wikipedia has a bit on these also:

Contract law is weird sometimes.

My reading of the declaration is that they gave control over privately-owned land to the owner of that land. Isn’t that the sort of thing that Republicans are generally in favor of?

Someone ought to alert MI5 to keep a lookout for roving bands of Floridian militants.

So DeSantis is launching a criminal and civil investigation into Disney now.

I wonder how this will go?

Also, is it strange that he just has “Governor”. instead of Governor of Florida on his stationary and signature line?

Nope - that’s totally normal. His title isn’t “Governor of Florida” , it’s “Governor” and it’s usually just the title that goes in the signature block unless there is a different address/phone number than the one printed on the stationery. The state seal of Florida is on the stationery so there won’t be any confusion about which governor.

Thanks doreen. I haven’t ever noticed before and his hunger for power frightens me.

The Catholic League is on board the DeSantis outrage train. I was browsing new releases on Amazon Prime and came across this piece of right wing dreck:
[Walt's Disenchanted Kingdom (2023) Trailer - YouTube](https://Walt’s Disenchanted Kingdom) -YouTube link

In Russia the dictators-in-charge send the tax police to audit whoever they want to fall in line. This sure sounds about the same. Fascist.

I wonder if he dreams about bringing Mickey Mouse out the front gate in handcuffs?

Probably not too well for DeSantis. That letter doesn’t actually specify any laws that were broken, all it does is ask his IG to check to make sure. Basically this is letter is a big exasperated " They can’t actually do it can they? There’s got to be a law somewhere.". Disney has lots of well paid lawyers, probably better lawyers than the state of Florida. They know what they are doing.