Please explain Lauren Boebert

What has she ever done that made anyone think she gave a damn about her current district in the first place? This is a woman who gave 80 people severe food poisoning via an illegal pop-up food stand and escaped justice for it. She’s literally willing to harm her constituents for personal gain.

And, sadly, her constituents are happy to allow her to do so.

And in the case of federations and their equivalents, differences between how you do the national vs. the federative-unit legislatures – so a state in the US can require members of their Assembly to be resident in their district for a year. e.g. for our state leg back in PR, the condition is that the local municipal jurisdiction in which you keep that legal domicile (and of course then we get into the angels-on-heads-of-pins arguments as to what is or is not domicile) be wholly or partly in the district. This at least helps us avoid having to draw a district boundary with a panhandle the width of a street right-of-way or a river bank to get to their house.

Boebert having been homebased in Rifle, out in the West Slope, her history happens kind of way away from the territory of her new East district BUT as mentioned the point is the demographic she appeals to is not that different between the one and the other, and the East district is absolutely solid red. She will be running as a hardcore all-the-way MAGA proxy on being for guns and against woke, more than anything local, and those voters will approve of that.

Now, if one of her primary contenders is him/herself bigly into Trumpetism, they could always recruit MTG to come help campaign against Lauren and wouldn’t that be a heap of cringe fun…

If I were a headline writer:

“Boebert hands job to someone else”

“Vape Ape shifts Shapes”

… ok, I’ll stop.

You can, 'cause you kinda nailed it!

And I salute you for being the one to go there. With better ones than the ones that crossed my mind.

Maybe Boebert could travel to FL to hook up with the Moms for Liberty chicks and the hubby. Birds of a feather, hands across the Gulf and all that RW morality rot.

Colorado GOP denies that having a normal electable Republican in the 3rd district works to their advantage.

Colorado Republican Party chairman Dave Williams:

From a party perspective, we certainly don’t think it was the best move. We felt that she was best suited for Congressional District three and that she was in the best position to win reelection and retain that for Republicans. Time will tell whether or not we’re right, but I think she’s got a serious challenge on her hands, trying to explain to the voters of CD 4 why she thought it was necessary to leave CD 3 and have a better chance at keeping her seat in Congress. It’s a it’s kind of a problematic proposition, but it’s again, it’s something for the voters to decide.

If I was a conservative voter in district 3, I’d be insulted that the head of the Colorado Republican Party thinks Boebert is a good fit for the district, assuming I wasn’t an exhibitionist with impulse control issues (under that scenario, it’s all good). Still, he makes a good point that Boebert has a messaging challenge.

You used to be able to roll over campaign cash into your pocket after you left office: that is no longer allowed. What you can do is place excess funds into a Leadership PAC, which has fewer restrictions and is sometimes referred to as a slush fund. So a good play for Boebert would be to raise MAGA funds, spend a pittance on the primary, lose big, form a Leadership PAC, then write checks to as many GOP House members as she can afford. After a year, Boebert will be free to lobby her former colleagues. My only question is whether she possesses the mental horsepower for the job.

She’s a populist who saw an opportunity when a lot of people were unhappy with Covid restrictions. She set herself up as “one of them” and got elected, also riding on MAGA coattails.

Nothing from her past suggests she has any kind of real savvy, she just made the right play at the right time and place. Maybe she has good advisors, but based on her immense public blunders, if she has them she doesn’t listen to them.

Canny lobbyist? No. Maybe she could find a gig as a talking head on some ultra-right alt news platform, where she can parrot someone’s talking points and coast off her name recognition and right wing nutjob cred.

It’s worked for Sarah Palin all these years. Rick Santorum too.

Yeah. She’s somebody seeking celebrity for celebrity’s sake, not a statesman seeking to govern or even a low cunning politician seeking power. She’s after “look at meee!” and expects the money and the eye-catching fun bought with money will follow.

In today’s fouled up mess of a society she may well be expecting rightly. If she fails, it’ll only be because somebody else came up with an even more compelling train wreck of a spectacle, not because the folks in rural CO suddenly grow the capacity to think about, and care for, actual responsible governance.

Explain Lauren Boebert-mushrooms.

She’s a walking id.

You left out the -iot.

Those are a couple of the folks I had in mind.

Do lobbyists need to be canny? Presumably lobbying firms utilize people with a range of skills. I’m not sure where Boebert would be slotted in though. Boebert is a member of the Committee on Resources, so maybe a lead or asbestos mining firm might show interest. Well not really: they would want a low profile person.

Bing chat didn’t help because “career possibilities for stupid congressional representatives” contains a derogatory term in reference to an elected official. But I was able to locate a 2008 list of the dumbest members of congress. It’s from Mother Jones, so it’s mostly Republicans. But it should work for the purposes of measuring career prospects. I’ve eliminated Senators from the list.

Ok, here’s the exercise, but it’s inconclusive: all of the below have left congress, but none had as thin a resume as Boebert had when they entered office. Consider it a failed experiment:

9. Representative Patrick Kennedy (D-RI)
7. Representative Cynthia McKinney (D-GA)
6. Representative Jean Schmidt (R-OH)
4. Representative J.D. Hayworth (R-AZ)
2. Representative Donald Young (R-AK)
1. Representative Katherine Harris (R-FL)

Harris went to Harvard: set her aside. Don Young is deceased, but served Alaska for 49 years. Hayworth served on the Way and Means committee and was a former sportscaster: he spent some time in broadcasting. Jean Schmidt ran for state office and won. Huh. Cynthia McKinney ran for President as part of the Green Party in 2008. Do you think the Greens would consider nominating Boebert? Kennedy runs a not for profit mental health advocacy group.

To carry out the scheme you outlined you would need to be.

Nah, my scheme is simple, the loopholes are well known, and her staff is presumably capable. That said, I’ve come around to your position. Lobbying involves representing the interests of someone, and I can’t see Boebert’s value-added. Sure she knows powerful representatives, but do any of them like her? Can she convincingly push legislation? The Princeton Review of all places has a decent discussion of lobbying as a career and it seems too white collar for Boebert. They want diplomats, not performance artists.

I can’t remember- was she pro, or anti, public urination?

:clap: :clap: :clap:

She does occasionally enjoy a fungi. Especially while attending the theater.