This morning at the gas station they had country music playing. I caught a little bit of the song that was on at the time. It sounded like a young-ish woman (similar to Taylor Swift or Carrie Underwood), and she was singing about how her dad loves Mary Jane. Couldn’t tell if the song was pro-pot, anti-pot, or just a neutral observation about her dad’s fondness for the stuff.
I was very intrigued when I read the OP this afternoon, but since I was no help I didn’t post at that time. I’m glad Kkrose was able to come along with the answer.
That’s a terrific, and terrifically depressing, song.
Country music isn’t really my thing, but thanks to both of you for bringing my attention to this artist.
I suppose it’s true for any genre of music, but for me when country music is able to make the leap out of and away from it’s lyrical cliches and conventions, it’s a powerful and enjoyable thing.
Last month, Labdad introduced me to a guy I already knew, but didn’t know that I knew, Tommy Womack, via his amazing Alpha Male & The Canine Mystery Blood.
I’ve had to stop listening to the country station because at least two out of three songs are like that. This is a really good song that I hadn’t caught while filpping around. Thanks.
yep. And I almost always hear it fairly close to a recent male artist singing about small town southern life in a way that makes me turn off the radio. The juxtaposition is interesting to say the least.
My favorite line “same checks we’re always cashin’ to buy a little more distraction.”
I like that line because, to me, it shows the never ending cycle of poverty that is prevalent in a small town. You use the little money you do have to take your mind off the fact that you have little money and not many options.
Eta: Oh, and it has the banjo. I fucking love banjos.
Aldean’s isn’t quite on the level of the one that gets me - turns out the one I was thinking of is about 5 years old - Alan Jackson’s Small Town Southern Man.
(I don’t know just why that song irritates me so, but it does.)