Please Join Me for the Pitting of LinusK

I actually think tomndebb was going kind of easy on him with this bit:

Since LinusK has started at least half a dozen threads on basically the same topic within the past month it’s perhaps unsurprising that he’d get them mixed up. But it’s worse than that. LinusK has claimed that posts that he made himself in previous threads were made by other people in the current “Anti-Feminism” thread.

Although this has been pointed out, with links and everything, in the current thread (see here, here, and here), LinusK has yet to acknowledge this. Instead he complained that people weren’t interested in having a “real debate”, as if it were possible to have a real debate with someone who cannot tell the difference between things other people are saying to him now and things he said himself a few weeks ago.

This guy makes Grandpa Simpson look like Clarence Darrow.