Please lock this pit thread...

Controversial encounters between law-enforcement and civilians - the omnibus thread

Too much is lost in the 6600+ posts to even remotely follow any specific event anymore. It’s like dollar day at Walmart on the night before Christmas.

I’d much rather see a thread related to individual incidents and be able to follow that incident as it progresses through the investigation, or whatever. As it stands, one would have to dig back to find the last reference to a that matter by sifting through an ungodly amount of crap to get to the topic you wish to comment on. And by then everyone has turned sideways and headed off on another tangent.

Please lock that thing. It’s far too cumbersome to be of any enjoyment now.

I am not a Pit mod so questions about closing the thread or not will have to wait for Miller. I can say that the existence of that thread in no way keeps anyone from making a separate thread for any particular incident or related topic. It doesn’t even have to be in the Pit as long as you go along with that forums rules.

Something wrong with your previous thread on the subject?

Please leave that thread open.

The OP gets understandably frustrated trying to follow any one specific event, but that isn’t what the thread is about. The thread is about an overarching societal problem, and the issues that the OP is frustrated with make its point clearly. Those ostensible “problems” are features, not bug, of that thread.

I agree that threads should stay open as long as possible.

Duh. It didn’t result in the locking of the Pit thread in question.

Why just that thread? Why not any of the other ongoing “… of the day” threads?

n.b.: I’m cool with all of them. I tend to not post in any of them, for the reasons given, but the rest of your folks can knock yourselves out!

Yeah, the snowball keeps tumbling down the hill in an uncontrolled manner. But thank you for your effort.

ETA, if you carefully read the thread titles, you’ll see a distinction in the call.

“Nobody goes there anymore. It’s too popular.”

Sorry you’re not enjoying the thread, but the fact that it’s got over six thousand posts to it indicates that somebody is getting something out of it. As Loach pointed out, if there’s some topic in there that you think is getting buried, you are in no way prevented from giving it its own thread.

One calling for the abandonment of all omnibus threads* and one calling for the forced abandonment of a specific omnibus thread isn’t much of a distinction.

ETA: *exactly how many are there, anyway?

Seriously, there are a lot of them! If only there were a way to organize all these things.

Who’s up for starting The Omnibus Discussion Thread for Discussing Omnibus Threads: An Omnibus Thread?

I don’t think it’d be wise to just jump into that. We probably want a catch-all thread to discuss a proposed Omnibus Discussion Thread for Discussing Omnibus Threads which are about Other Omnibus Threads.

Why, yes, I do work for the Government. Why do you ask?

Somebody sure is, but is the thread actually popular or is it just a circle jerk from a few posters? I see Steophan and Smapti have 700 posts apiece, I guess they are having FXhamstermind levels of fun in their own thread.

I don’t care if its open or closed, but there is a point where a thread becomes all but useless to new contributors, because why would anybody new enter a thread with 6000 posts of history and think they can add to the debate?

Let the two lads have their fun, but I do agree with the OP that the thread is all but useless to anybody else.

When you look at it that way,
perhaps I am wrong.
Just rename it “the Box”
and and ring the damn gong.

I just went to the last page to count the number of different posters. I stopped when I got to 10.

Good job!

What is the “the Box”?

I don’t look in that thread much because it does seem to be the same posters going back and forth against each other. So what? It’s not like FX who would bump his own thread with old quotes just to stir things up. In that thread posters continue to engage each other and not just those two. How is that against the rules? How does that thread effect anyone who doesn’t want to join in?

There is no rule stating that anything dealing with the subject matter has to go in that thread. The thread was the idea of one poster not the staff. There is nothing stopping anyone from starting a thread on the subject or a specific incident in any appropriate forum.

not advocating the thread be locked, just wanted to say I think “omnibus” or “perpetual” threads are what’s helping kill off message boards.

Really? If we were merging every thread with a similar theme into one overly long thread, I could see the point. However, no one with an interest in a particular incident is prevented from opening a separate thread and I have not scene the Mods forcibly merging any threads into the longest possible earlier thread.