Please reboot your computer?

Why exactly does it tell me this when I install new software? Do I REALLY need to, or is this just a precautionary step?

One reason is that some of the files it needs to replace (especially DLLs) are in use by Windows itself. You can’t overwrite a file that Windows is using - it’d be like trying to paint the piece of floor you’re standing on ! :wink:

Instead, the install schedules the file to be overwritten at the next reboot - hence its request for a reboot.

If the software adds new .dll’s to the registry, it won’t work until you reboot, because you won’t be able to use those modules.

Cause it updates the registry when it does an install & you need to restart it for the new registry to be read.

Because Windows is stupid, updating settings and locations on the fly should be basic in any OS.

Actually, most of the time you see that message from a mere software install, you can ignore it. Only the truly crappy, kludgy, system-infecting programs actually need that (read: Anything from Microsoft), but it’s often the default prompt for installer programs anyway.

Uh oh…


For you viewing pleasure, I’d like to direct you to this thread, posted a while back, for further insights and explanations to your question.

My experience is that I can install several programs or drivers for hardware w/o having to restart, but none of them will work until I do. This is because there are several settings and files that windows only access on boot. The changes that the program or driver file makes th the windows reg. won’t be noticed or put into effect until windows is restarted…
as far as all those who want to frag MS and windows – Go in the corner and play with your unix and linux boxes, and when your ready to be compatable with the rest of the world you can come out and play with Windows. Like it or not, if you want to be compatable with anything under the sun (be it with some work and an occasional patch) Windows is about the only game in the world. Ya know, there isint anything wrong with one world wide standard for computers to operate on. It makes it a lot easier than trying to tie together 3 or 4 different OSs

They are just playing with your mind. They write that instruction and then sit around all day giggling about all the dumb bastards that will be doing it.

Do you have any idea what you’re talking about? Please, enlighten me on where UNIX is not compatible with Windows. I’ll even give you a hint. Don’t try to pull out the software issue. We have a fix for that too. Oh, and can you explain where you got the idea to refer to UNIX as the “corner”?


Actually, Linux is compatible with windows… It’s windows that seems to be incompatible with everything else. :smiley:


Not so - the registry can be read and written to dynamically. The most accurate reply is that of DarrenS - painting the part of the floor you’re standing on.

Oh, but there is. What if the owner of that “standard” (by which I believe you mean a standard operating system or environment), a single corporation, decides to change the standard in a way that is not to the benefit of its users? For example, by routing all network traffic (including, say, credit card numbers) through its servers, without providing any notification or seeking any form of permission?

Or if the owner of that standard decides that, for example, publishing documents on the internet requires the payment of an additional licensing fee?

(Note: I am not saying or even implying that this occurs. I am pointing out that it is possible.)