Please Reccmmend a Book on Decorating

Sometime in the next six months or so, it looks like I’m going to be faced with decorating a home of my own. The problem is, I know nothing about how to do so. Can someone please recommend a book or two which talks about how to go about it? I don’t mean something which will tell me how to achieve a perfect French Colonial look. I want something which will tell me if what I like is French Colonial or something completely different. I’d rather like to have rooms which actually have things which go together nicely, rather than a hopelessly eclectic hodgepodge.

I’m in the same boat - we’re closing in about 3 weeks! I’m about 75% excited and 25% scared sh*tless! :smiley:

I picked up Home Decorating for Dummies and found that it had a lot of good advice, for all price-ranges. It explains the different styles (with illustrations! :slight_smile: ), explains how colors and patterns work and how they go together, and shows how to play up a room’s strengths and minimize its weaknesses. I’d recommend it.

Congrats on the new home, and good luck!

Weirdly, years ago, before I had a place to decorate, I picked up a 1940s book on how to decorate. It turned out to be really good on describing how to think about decorating a house. I’m pretty sure that this is a paperback reprint.

It is missing information on what to do with home electronics and wires. But other than that, it has helped me think about what I should be doing even if I haven’t quite finished doing it yet.