Plumbing question: The hot is hot, but I want cold, damnit!

I live in an old house, split into apartments. I fully realize that depending on the water demands, water pressue can be temporarily variable. (Flushing a toilet while in the shower, for example)The problem is, in my shower, there is always WAYYYYYY more hot water than cold. When I shower, and turn turn the faucet knob to where a comfortable (as opposed to scalding hot) water temp is reached, there is only a trickle of water coming out of the shower head. Needless to say, that does not make for a very good shower. This happens at all hours of the day and night, so it’s not a “someone else is using cold water at the moment” problem. The toilet takes forever to fill as well. It seems I have great hot water pressure, and almost non-existant cold water pressure. Any ideas on what’s going on? More importantly, how to fix it?

You know, you’ve just described my shower exactly (except I live in old apartment building, split into apartments). I’ve often wondered what could be done about it. I don’t have the toilet problem, though.

How old is the house?

Probably mineral deposits in the pipes. If you’re lucky, the deposits could be in the mixer for the shower which means it could be replaced. But…you say the toilet fills slowly too. So it’s more likely that it’s the cold water line.

So, unless you’re on the first floor and the basement is readily available, fixing the problem would probably involve dismantling walls in order to replace the pipes. Unless your landlord is a saint, it’s not likely to happen.

Oh, one option that’s worth checking. Someone could have partially shut off the cold water valve feeding your bathroom. Not likely, but it’s a cheap fix if that’s what the problem is :slight_smile:

another possible solution is to sneek into the hot water heater room and lowering the hot water temp (or open the mixing valve if they have one). This could give you the problem of running out of hot water - so if you go this route - go slow make several trips if possible. This way you will be using more high pressure hot water and get more total water.

Another thing you can do is get a fine mist showerhead (get rid of that flow restrictor - drill it out if you have to). by using a fine mist the more hot water will evaporate before it hits you. You will be able to turn up the hot (increasing total flow) and not get burnt. And no the amount evaporated is not equal to the increase in water flow.

Just one more thought. If it is really bad and if the above just is not working for you - maybe you can hook up a hose to your shower and run it through a bucket of cold water. then back to your shower head.

I know that last one was a little over the top but a good shower means a lot to me.

I don’t know but… I mean… have you considered calling a plumber?

I bet this is it. The water here is so hard, if you splash it on the floor, it makes a hole. I can get to the basement no problem, is there anything I can do down there?

did you miss this

or are you just ignoring me?

Sorry, Dave, I’ll check out that option today.

Don’t complain, my friend’s house gets all it’s water from a well and it’s so soft you can never really get all of the shampoo rinsed from your hair, and don’t even think about washing your hands.