Anyone hear anything about a mysterious flash of light in the sky in Oregon/Washington at around 5:30 am today? My wife heard about it on the (TV) news–apparently, people from southern Oregon to Seattle saw the flash (or possibly three flashes), and felt/heard a loud sonic-boom-type sound afterward. (Speculation is that it was a meteor.) Looks like it’s too recent for reports to make it to the interwebs yet.
Ddin’t hear about it, but it could have been a bolide, an especially noteworthy meteor that breaks up and flashes and maybe makes sounds. I saw one of these over western Texas late one night, and it was a thing to marvel at.
Nice! Thanks. A better article than what Google is spitting out even now.
MSNBC just showed a surveillance video that had a pretty good view of the metorite’s final moments. Very cool.
I saw it go overhead as I was southbound on the 5 in Skagit County (about half way between Vancouver, B.C. and Seattle) at 0531. It was very pretty! Bright green and yellow with a long tail.