Points on my license

I got a ticket for doing 71 in a 65 out of state, is there any way for me to avoid getting points added to my license?

Hey Cain,

I have a couple of questions.

  1. In which state did you get the ticket?
  2. In which state did you get your license?
  3. Was it radar?
  4. How many points do you currently have on your license?

Outside of knowing all the details, the only way to not get points on your license is to fight the ticket and win.

You can read this book…


Good Luck,

  1. Pennsylvania
  2. New Jersey
  3. Yes, it was radar
  4. Zero, as far as I know

I you don’t want points added to your license, you are going to contest it. If you were caught on radar, a fairly reliable trick is to ask for a copy of the radar calibration records. They must give them to you a copy by law in almost all states. They trick is that they often do not have, cannot locate them, or don’t have a good way to get a copy to you. Bingo! Instant ticket dismissal.

Failing that, some judges will reduce the fine and not put points on your license if you fight the ticket at all.

Based on the new information, I say fight it in court.

Shagnasty is correct, if they can’t come up with the calibration records, then you win.

There are also other tests and certificates that must be in place before the officer can use the radar gun to issue tickets. You need to get a copy of the Pennsylvania Penal Code to see all the requirements. I couldn’t find it online. Here in CA, the DMV sells a copy of the traffic laws for 5.00.

Good Luck

three questions: Can I contest the ticket by mail? If i do contest, and they do have the radar calibration records is my fine increased? Lastly, the cop who pulled me over was really very nice, and wrote down 71 even though i was doing 90, but he wouldnt be able to tell the judge that, right? I know i sound like a worm here, but i’d really like to avoid my insurance finding out about this.

Hey Cain,

Unfortunately all my ticket fighting experience is in CA. Over here you can go to traffic school if you have a clean record and have the points removed from your record. You still have to pay bucks, but it’s worth it in the long run, IMHO YMMV.

Is there a phone number on the ticket you can call to find out more information? Some states have deals where you can go to traffic school in your state for a ticket you got in another state.

I don’t know how it all works in NJ.

I do know that if you don’t speed you don’t have to worry about getting pulled over. :slight_smile: As per a previous thread, it’s also easier to speed in a non-descript vehicle. Anything that is eye catching, will also catch the eye of a law enforcement official. As will changing lanes. In CA, changing lanes frequently is considered reckless driving

Anyway, let us know how it goes,