Pokemon Proclaimed As Evil

I’m afraid your evidence speaks against your point, Hubzilla… look closely at those eyes… there’s something very deranged lurking behind those peepers… He even has his arms up, invoking his evil Squirtle powers…


A friend of mine had a little Pikachu figurine thingy that said “Pikachu!” when you put your finger across two terminals on its base. It sounded like it was saying “Fuck you!” Or maybe it didn’t, and I have a dirty mind.

Anyway, has anyone else seen those Elmo dolls, not the Tickle-Me-Elmos, but the ones where you turn them over and they speak? Well, one of the things ol’Elmo says is “Hug Elmo”, but- and everyone who has heard this agrees with me- it sounds a lot like “Fuck Elmo”. Maybe they’re not evil, but they certainly do seem to be PG-13…

Modest? You bet I’m modest! I am the queen of modesty!

My son has one of the Pikachu dolls with the electric contacts, a squirtle, and a charmander. Yes we have embraced these spawns of evil.

He puts these darn things on his window sill at night. Now the pikachu won’t “say” anything unless you touch the back of it, but the charmander and squirtle are voice activated so they sit and “talk” to each other. All night long, “squirtle squirtle”, “char char”, “squirtle, char”.
UUUUGGGGHHHHH! Finally took the batteries out of the dumn things. I was hard pressed to keep my SO from administering some sledgehammer therapy to the stupid things.


“It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in an argument” - William McAdoo

My nephew is currently Pokemon-obsessed. His mother could not understand (and was driven near-insane) his apparent fascination with repeating the names over and over again. Until she found out that the Pokemon critters can only say their names (or parts of their names). It irritated her much less after that, so she would wait a bit longer before telling him to knock it off.

Incidentally, the Meowth Pokemon in the cartoon can talk normally, but my nephew hasn’t been able to explain why Meowth is an exception.

“The secret of life is, there ain’t no secret, and you don’t get your money back.”

Actually i think Jigglypuff is the cutest of all the pokemon.

Besides, the name is just so much fun to say.

Just add water, it makes it’s own sauce!

Actually, Pokemon IS evil. It has completely possessed my kids. I thought it would be good to teach them collecting and trading, so I bought each of my kids a binder with the plastic pages for collecting the cards. They collect, trade, and play with them. I just didn’t anticipate it would become so obsessive.

My 3 year old will sit, mesmerized, staring at his pages of pokemon cards. That wouldn’t be too bad, but he THINKS about it all the time. In the car, in the tub, wherever, he’ll be rambling on to himself, "Charmander turns to charzard, charzard turns to jigglypuff, Jigglypuff turns to wartortle, wartortle turns to blah blah, and on and on… We have tons of books, cars, computer games, coloring books, etc, which he plays, but what bothers me is how much time he THINKS about pokemon. I wonder what could happen if we could fill his head with something beneficial. Maybe I’ll start him on those violin lessons.

Oh yea, BTW, Pokemon cards are only $2.50 or so if you buy them at authorized stores…Toys R Us, etc. They can get up to $11.00 or more elsewhere.

I don’t know if your schools are doing this, but my kids’ school have banned the Pokemon cards because the kids were stealing them and getting into fist fights over these things. My sons are not allowed to collect these things anymore because one of them stole a $20 bill out of my purse and gave it to one of the neighborhood kids in exchange for a single card!

Considering how crappy the Pokemon animation/drawings are I really don’t blame people for wanting to burn them, but evil, puhleeze. they’ve been doing that same dance over anything outside their straight-jacketed little minds for as long as I remember.
Evil snort every one knows the only evil is Barney.

Obviously you haven’t seen Teletubbies… :slight_smile:

What’s evil is the all the new kids’ cartoons. I thought Ren & Stimpy and Rocko’s Modern Life were bad. Turn on the TV to the Cartoon Network or even Nickelodeon and you’ll see what I mean.

I told my little brother (11 yrs old) that he wasn’t allowed to watch those cartoons when I was around because I would get sick on him. :slight_smile:

But seriously, the only evil thing about Pokemon is that my brother won’t stop talking about it and spending tons of money on cards and figures.

White Wolf

“Honesty is the best policy, but insanity is a better defense.”

“Half the world is composed of idiots, the other half of people clever enough to take indecent advantage of them.”

Pokemon is evil. This story is horrible but anything to destroy the damn things. Abuse of religion, robbing stores, terrorism. Pokemon must be stopped before it is too late. Why?

Pokemon has been spun of it to 7,000 different form. Fine. If the owners want to dilute their franchise and make a lot of crap instead of a few high quality items, good for them.

But Nintendo is adopting this market strategy. There are * seven * Legend of Zelda games slated to be released within 6 months. One of them is a &*$%ing puzzle game.

There have been 4 Zelda games in 10 years, and now SEVEN in one. There is no way they can be anywhere near as good. Damn Pokemon. Damn Pokemon to the deepest reaches of the fiery pits of eternal hell.

Jeez, I need a Valium.


Did you ever notice just how much like mind control the Teletubbies are? They speak in soothing tones, but in gibberish, so no one but infants can understand - thereby creating an army of mindless thralls to do their nauseating bidding.

Pokemon is just wrong - as in any show that was developed only to sell the product. More mind control of the young.

There was at least one Gameboy Zelda game in addition to the four you’re thinking about. Don’t forget about those two God-awful Zelda games that came out on the Phillips CD-i.