Police chief can't handle cock, bleeds to death

This is one of the more unexpected Covid-related deaths.

How is this Covid related?

The raid was because large gatherings were banned because of the pandemic.

You seem, from the thread title, to think this is funny?

I assume very few people find death funny, but there’s nothing wrong with finding humor in mundane (both serious and trivial) stuff in life. Otherwise, it’s pretty much pointless to have a sense of humor at all. Sort of the same way only controversial speech needs defending. People need to stop being offended at everything, especially on behalf of others who don’t want or ask for it.

You mean that if it weren’t for the pandemic, cock fighting is OK in the Philippines?

Did the OP want or ask for your oddly vehement and vigorous defense?

You have read a lot that wasn’t there into my question, which was a quite straightforward inquiry into the motivation of the OP for posting that item with that headline. It was for my information. Being “offended” didn’t enter into it. Moral: never assume.

From what I have seen on various sites cockfighting is legal in the Philippines. Although I am sure that like any other type of gambling it could have been an illegal game. Handling cocks is a touchy business.

I saw what you did there. I can’t unsee it.

If the police catch the one in the story, it’s going down!

The chief may have been too gentle with it and it got away from him. Or he could have been too rough and turned it mean. It takes a bit of experience to handle one properly.

About a year ago i visited Hawaii, which is overrun with wild chickens. While there, we saw a cock fight. It wasn’t something arranged by people, it was just two wild roosters who decided to fight while we happened to be nearby.

I now understand the appeal of cock fighting. They are gorgeous beasts who fight with flair and enthusiasm.

Being a pair of wild animals, they weren’t equipped with blades on their spurs, and after one won, the other just slunk away.

Terrible dancers, though.

The book, Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat made an interesting point about cockfighting, in that a lot of fighting roosters live a relatively good life for three or more years, while their table-bound cousins live in filth and misery for months.

Makes you think.

From what little I know about this, and also dog fighting, a lot of the “appeal” is not the animals tearing each other apart, as that people gamble on the results.

The fight itself has to be at least part of the appeal, because otherwise, why not just bet on dice or cards?

Dang, to have your last moments be the realization that you’ve been taken down by a gamecock… that’s rough.

Yeah they do put on a great display, and if only it were allowed to go on that way…

But of course, when there’s money on the line, well, then you have to make it so that there will be no retreat and the fight will be to the death. :frowning_face:

Back in late 2018 a bill was dying in committee in Congress that would effectively extend the federal ban on cockfighting activities involving interstate commerce, to any happening in a jurisdiction where there was not already a state law against it – meaning the Unincorporated Territories. Much bitching and yelling came out of the Territories and at least they got the committee to sit on it just so they’d shut up, not a huge priority of the Chair.

But then when the House was passing the last big Ag Bill, at near the last moment an amendment was tacked on by the bill’s author, with the language. Passed like 360 to 51 or something like that and off to Senate.

People, you should have seen/heard it, the reaction back home in PR (where it is legal and has been strictly government-regulated since the 1930s)… the intensity, the fieryness, the passion that nobody back home had been arsed to whip up over statehood, disenfranchisement, Trump throwing paper towels, trade discrimination, recovery funding delays, whatever… it came up about the “injustice” of that. The delegations! The speeches! The lobbying missions! The letters! The resolutions! Goodness gracious if the local powers that be had ever been so united in fervor about something really important we’d be a state or would have had the debt forgiven by now.

Of course the Senate passed it. The nonvoting delegates of the territories were going like… “Nu, under the bus again, what else is new…” but people back home were pissed. The wailing and gnashing of teeth is going on to this very day down in San Juan.

No one pulled off their belt and made a tourniquet?

I know you can bleed out really fast. A tourniquet gives him the best chance of survival.

A tourniquet on a neck wound? Strangle him already.

Femoral artery. He probably got slashed in the groin. But nobody tried to help?