Two teenagers sexted each other. The boy was arrested for both receiving and producing child pornography, and the police took photos of his genitals. They also want to give him an injection to force him to have an erection, and then take photos of that.
They couldn’t think of any other way of getting a teenage boy to have an erection?
By the way, this thread is in the wrong forum. Could a mod please move it to Erections?
(duplicate post)
As the article says, they want to create child pornography to prove that he created child pornography…and when they do it, it will be against his will-breaking two laws.
Unless OP is aware of new facts not yet presented here, the police have not yet actually done this, so the OP’s subject line is an attention-grabbing lie.
Erections are like snowflakes? No two exactly alike???
I’m as opposed to child pornography as anyone. But this incident shows that some people have gone insane on the subject. I think if you took a poll and asked people if they would support the use of nuclear weapons in fighting child pornography, you’d get some people who’d say yes.
True. So far they’ve only forced him to show his penis to them so they could photograph it, because child porn.
Ah, overprotective, hypocritical mom going all Rambo on some poor kid who sullied her delicate little flower by engaging in the same behavior as she was. This fucking broad…
Special software. Special penis software.
And have they shared this picture with anyone that wasn’t in the room at the time it was photographed?
Does this remind anyone else of a certain scene from Porky’s?
Are you looking for a source?
I just want to know if they are also distributing the pornography they are creating.
Google flummoxed:
You’ve got to take the filter off.
Times sure have changed since I was a teenager.
try looking for hardware instead.
I’d be raising hell about this if I was representing this kid, or serving as his GAL, too. The kid has offered to plead guilty, according to the article, which makes the “need” for the dick pic irrelevant.
I serve as a public defender/GAL in a couple of local Youth Courts fairly often. Fortunately, I’ve got a great judge that would not allow this horseshit to happen. Then again, the prosecutors/cops I work with would never ask for something this ridiculous either.
Who makes penis comparison software?
Do they have vulva comparison software?
I’m a .net dev, I wonder if they have an opening…