Political quiz

Howard Phillips…score of 88

Political discussions are for wussies, Saxy.

I say you, me, and Arnold get ourselves some black masks, head for Seattle, and throw a brick through the Starbucks window.

All right Ike! My kind of agitator! Let me go get my copy of the “anarchist cookbook” and I’m right with you. :slight_smile:

And sure, I’ll take the offer of the beer. If ever I’m in the Naked City at the time of an SDMB get-together, I’ll pop in and say hi.

By your offer of a beer and brick-throwing, I’m assuming that you’re the “working class, wobbly” socialist, not the “chardonnay drinking, intellectual” leftist. From your posts, I would have thought the latter. :slight_smile:

marches away, humming…
'Tis the final conflict
Let each stand in his place
The International Union
shall be the human race.

La franchise ne consiste pas à dire tout ce que l’on pense, mais à penser tout ce que l’on dit.
H. de Livry

Bill Bradley 1st
<font face=“Verdana, Arial, sans-serif”>Al Gore 2nd</font>

How’s my posting? 1-800-AM A TROL

Yet another Nader-McReynolds-Bradley here.

I haven’t lost my virginity. I remember exactly where I left it.

A huge swing and a miss. It selected a Socialist for me–which is about as far as you can get from my political perspective.

The top 5 on their list for me:
78 Bill Bradley
69 Albert Gore Jr.
63 Ralph Nader
63 David McReynolds
47 Howard Phillips

They also say: “According to your answers, your political philosophy is on the border of libertarian and left-liberal.”

Your Official Cat Goddess since 10/20/99.

“I get along well with everybody.” --I.M.F.

Well, I got Gary Bauer; no surprise there, conservative as I am. Though Bauer is more extreme on some “personal responsibility” issues than I am, or at least it sounds as though he’d be inclined to move reforms too quickly for my comfort. Hardly fair to throw people overboard all at once just because the administration changes.

I’ll end up voting for George W., though (sigh.) I’d love to occasionally vote for someone instead of against someone else.


Yipe! Ralph Nader is first on my list! I’ve never particularly liked Nader. I regard him as a sensationalist and perhaps a demagogue. David McReynolds was number two … don’t know much about him.

Bill Bradley was number three, ahead of Gore, which is interesting, since I figured I agree with Gore more on the issues. (I’ll almost certainly be voting for Bradley in the primary since I think Gore will go down like a blade of grass if he gets the nomination…)

I think the main problem with SelectSmart is that it assumes you will vote expressly and not strategically. Voting is different than appointing the President. Primary voting is different from general voting. In the primary, I’m going to pick my favorite among the candidates I feel can beat the opposition … or perhaps the strongest candidate from among those I find acceptable. I might vote outside the major parties in the general if I found all the major party tickets too irksome to contemplate, but we’re not at that point yet.

By the way, there are two thangs going on on this site: http://www.self-gov.org/quiz.html is the Libertarian-style “world’s smallest quiz” which asks you for your favored candidate… http://www.selectsmart.com/PRESIDENT/ is the one that tries to give you the best candidate for you based on your stated choices (and an assumption of voting expressly).
It wasn’t clear which one was referenced in the OP and I think subsequent posts have not all guessed the same. In any case I think the latter is more interesting (I’ve taken the former quiz about three times and was never particularly illuminated by the results).

Any similarity in the above text to an English word or phrase is purely coincidental.

I’m a left-liberal. This is shocking to no one. My #1 choice is Bill Bradley, and #2 is David McReynolds, whom I had never heard of, but I see is a Socialist.


“You couldn’t fool your mother on the foolingest day of your life if you had an electrified fooling machine.”

Mine gave Harry Browne, followed by Keyes. Duh.

“It is lucky for rulers that men do not think.” — Adolf Hitler

Bill Bradley, whoever that is :wink:

So I guess I would be a Democrat, were I an American. I’m a Democrat over here, so it does make sense
(my party, and we’ll cry if we want to)


“You know how complex women are”

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)