Let’s make some predictions here about how the next four years with Dubya are going to be.
First of all, I see Dubya pushing his “tax cuts” through. It will be heralded a victory for the people by Dubya, though time will show that hardly enyone notices a difference.
Well, some people do notice that the economy takes a dramatic turn. See, the defecit that was run up with Voodoo Economics will get run right up again, and this will naturally make things tough in these parts.
I see a ton of battles with the religious right who use their new found access to the white house as a way to get a lot of states to start looking at having science class teach that God made the world in 6,000 years, and that those commandments at the door should be proof of this.
I envision a major battle about abortion taking place in this country. And while a complete overturn of Roe V. Wade does not happen I don’t think, I do see rights encroached and people dying because of it.
I think that Dubya’s voucher program will go the way of Hillary’s health care plan: A lot of hype over flawed ideas that never get anywhere. In spite of this, schools don’t get any better.
If a lot of negative things happen in only two years, some of this may be averted, but only if the Democrats will back a lot of seats and gain control over the House and/or Senate.
At the end of the four years, Dubya will, having been shown for the sham he is, get greeted with chants of “four more months” just like his father was and get voted out of office.
Yer pal,
Six months, four weeks, two days, 5 hours, 56 minutes and 44 seconds.
8529 cigarettes not smoked, saving $1,066.24.
Extra time with Drain Bead: 4 weeks, 1 day, 14 hours, 45 minutes.
David B used me as a cite!*