Politicians - Do they tie their own ties?

Do big time politicians tie their own ties? The ties always look so nice with perfect dimples.


I’ve found that a good-quality thick silk tie just forms a better-looking knot, even though I’m not a particularly skilled tie-tier. (I wear one maybe a few times a year.) I’ve since replaced all my old polyester Looney Tunes ties with more mundane ones. Better knots, but not nearly as amusing. Such is life.

I’ve gotta hand it to you: this thread title actually made me laugh out loud, while thinking to myself, “Actually, that’s not a bad question.”

A thick silk tie will naturally make a pretty decent half-windsor. But a nice thin tie can be tied into a full-windsor which, when done even halfway well, almost always looks politico-snazzy.

I bet they wear clip-ons.

Hillary Clinton’s fortunes have slipped recently because she doesn’t tie her own ties.

Can McCain lift his arms to tie a tie?

Why wouldn’t he be able to?

Because he was tortured in a Vietnamese POW camp, apparently.

Right. The man can’t comb his own hair, by all accounts.

Possibly. He can’t lift his arms above his head. I don’t think that necessary to tying a necktie, so he should be able to do it himself, although he might need help getting it over his neck and under the shirt collar. Here’s a short excerpt from a Vanity Fair article.

I’ve never met McCain personally, but I did meet Bob Dole a few years back. He’s a friendly guy, and will always reach to shake your hand before you reach for his.

In large part this is done to force you to switch to your left hand, as his right one is completely useless. Nice little souvenir from the Wehrmacht. And Daniel Inouye falls into this category as well.

I’m struck sometimes by how many people don’t know these things - in large part because these men compensated for them so effectively.